Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
one; 1; single; a(n); (before verbs) "no sooner did VERB happen than..."; (before a noun) entire (family, etc.)
一巴掌 yī bā zhǎng spank
一把抓 yī bǎ zhuā (v) grab; snatch
一百 yī bǎi a hundred
一百二十六 yī bǎi èr shí liù 126
一百五十多年 yī bǎi wǔ shí duō nián more than 150 years
一百五十億 一百五十亿 yī bǎi wǔ shí yì 15 billion
一般人 yī bān rén average person
一般性 yī bān xìng (in) general (terms); generalized
一半 yī bàn half
一輩子 一辈子 yī bèi zi (for) a lifetime
一臂之力 yī bì zhī lì (lend) a helping hand
一邊 一边 yī biān one side
一部分 yī bù fèn portion
一側化 一侧化 yī cè huà lateralization
一層 一层 yī céng layer
一匙 yī chí spoonful
一觸即發 一触即发 yī chù jí fā could happen at any moment; on the verge
一串 yī chuàn strand
一吹 yī chuī puff
一次 yī cì first; first time; once; (math.) linear (of degree one)
一次方程 yī cì fāng chéng linear equation
一打 yī dǎ dozen
一代 yī dài generation
一帶 一带 yī dài region; district
一旦 yī dàn in case (something happens); once (something becomes true, then...); in one day
一刀兩斷 一刀两断 yī dāo liǎng duàn acting without dawdling in a straightforward manner; metaphor for severing relationship
一道 yī dào together
一點 一点 yī diǎn a bit; a little
一點點 一点点 yī diǎn diǎn (n) a little bit
一點也不 一点也不 yī diǎn yě bù (adv) noways; nowise
一點兒 一点儿 yī dian3r a bit; a little
一丁不識 一丁不识 yī dīng bù shí illiterate, ignorant
一定 yī dìng surely; certainly; necessarily; fixed; a certain (extent, etc.); given; particular
一定要 yī dìng yào must
一度 yī dù for a time; at one time; one time; once
一堆 yī duī pile
一對 一对 yī duì couple; pair
一帆風順 一帆风顺 yī fán fēng shùn (saying) very smoothly; plain sailing
一方面 yī fāng miàn one aspect is
一分錢 一分钱 yī fēn qián cent; penny
一服 yī fú dose
一概 yī gài (adv) all without any exceptions
一概而論 一概而论 yī gài ér lùn (saying) lump different matters together
一干二淨 一干二净 yī gān èr jìng (saying) thoroughly; completely
一個 一个 yī gè a; an
一個勁兒 一个劲儿 yī gè jìn er (adv) persistently; continues on
一個數學家的辯白 一个数学家的辩白 Yī gè shù xué jiā de biàn bái A Mathematician's Apology
一個中國政策 一个中国政策 yī gè Zhōng guó zhèng cè one China policy
一貫 一贯 yī guàn consistent; constant
一國兩制 一国两制 yī guó liǎng zhì one country, two systems (China-Hong Kong)
一號 一号 yī hào first day of the month
一哄而散 yī hōng ér sàn (saying) disperse in confusion
一會 一会 yī huì a moment, a while
一會兒 一会儿 yī huìr a while
一技之長 一技之长 yī jì zhī cháng (saying) skill or proficiency
一家子 yī jiā zi a whole family
一角銀幣 一角银币 yī jiǎo yín bì dime
一節詩 一节诗 yī jié shī stanza
一九九七年 yī jiǔ jiǔ qī nián the year 1997
一九四九年 yī jiǔ sì jiǔ nián the year 1949 (Communist revolution)
一局 yī jú inning
一舉 一举 yī jǔ (n) move; an act; an action; (adv) with one move; at one stroke
一舉兩得 一举两得 yī jǔ liǎng de kill two birds with one stone
一句 yī jù a line of verse; a sentence
一決雌雄 一决雌雄 yī jué cí xióng to have a show-down; to fight for mastery; to compete for a championship
一口 yī kǒu readily; flatly (deny)
一口氣 一口气 yī kǒu qì one breath; in one breath
一塊 一块 yī kuài piece
一塊兒 一块儿 yī kuài er (adv) together; (n) at the same location
一塊麵 一块面 yī kuài miàn loaf
一連 一连 yī lián in a row; in succession; running
一流 yī liú (n) front rank; top quality
一溜煙 一溜烟 yī liù yān in a flash, quickly
一路順風 一路顺风 yī lù shùn fēng have a pleasant journey
一律 yī lǜ (adj) same; uniform; (adj) all; without exception
一氯甲烷 yī lǜ jiǎ wán chloromethane
一輪 一轮 yī lún first round (of a match or election)
一毛不拔 yī máo bù bá (saying) stingy; parsimonious
一面 yī miàn one side
一年半 yī nián bàn a year and a half
一年多 yī nián duō more than a year
一排 yī pái row
一旁 yī páng aside; to the side of
一匹馬 一匹马 yī pǐ mǎ one horse
一篇 yī piān one-sided
一片 yī piàn piece; slice
一瞥 yī piē glance; glimpse
一齊 一齐 yī qí at the same time; simultaneously
一起 yī qǐ together
一千 yī qiān one thousand
一千噸 一千吨 yī qiān dūn 1000 tons
一千零五十億 一千零五十亿 yī qiān líng wǔ shí yì 105 billion
一千零一夜 Yī qiān líng yī yè The Book of One Thousand and One Nights
一千七百萬 一千七百万 yī qiān qī bǎi wàn seventeen million
一千四百二十九 yī qiān sì bǎi èr shí jiǔ 1429
一切 yī qiè all; every; everything
一切事物 yī qiè shì wù everything
一群 yī qún gang; regiment
一身 yī shēn (n) the entire body; (meas) for wearing a suit
一身汗 yī shēn hàn sweating all over
一生 yī shēng all one's life; throughout one's life
一時 一时 yī shí temporary; momentary
一手 yī shǒu (n) skill; (adv) all by oneself; without the help of others
一瞬間 一瞬间 yī shùn jiān (n) split second
一套 yī tào suit; a set
一天 yī tiān one day
一同 yī tóng along; together
一頭 一头 yī tóu (adv) headlong; directly; (adv) rapidly; (adv) simultaneously
一團 一团 yī tuán regiment
一碗 yī wǎn bowl
一萬 一万 yī wàn ten thousand
一無所有 一无所有 yī wú suǒ yǒu to have nothing; "The Dispossessed"
一五一十 yī wǔ yī shí (narrate) systematically and in full detail; count by fives or tens
一系列 yī xì liè a series of; (adj) a collection of
一下 yī xià (adj) one time; once; (adv) in a short time; suddenly; all at once
一線 一线 yī xiàn frontline
一線微光 一线微光 yī xiàn wéi guāng gleam
一小部分 yī xiǎo bù fen a small part; a small section
一小時 一小时 yī xiǎo shí one hour
一小時以後 一小时以后 yī xiǎo shí yǐ hòu a short time later
一些 yī xiē some; a few; a little
一心 yī xīn wholeheartedly; heart and soul
一心一意 yī xīn yī yì intently
一行 yī xíng party; delegation
一氧化氮 yī yǎng huà dàn nitric oxide
一氧化碳 yī yǎng huà tàn carbon monoxide (CO)
一一 yī yī one by one; one after another
一意孤行 yī yì gū xíng (vi) dogmatize
一元論 一元论 yī yuán lùn monism
一元酸 yī yuán suān monoprotic acid
一月 yī yuè first month; January
一再 yī zài repeatedly
一張 一张 yī zhāng sheet
一陣 一阵 yī zhèn a burst; a fit; a peal
一直 yī zhí continuously; always; from the beginning of ... up to ...; all along
一致 yī zhì unanimous; identical (views or opinions)
一擲千金 一掷千金 yī zhì qiān jīn Deal or No Deal
一致性 yī zhì xìng consistency
一致性效應 一致性效应 yī zhì xìng xiào yìng consistency effect
一致資源定址器 一致资源定址器 yī zhì zī yuán dìng zhǐ qì uniform resource locator (URL)
一致字 yī zhì zì consistent phonogram(s)
一中一臺 一中一台 yī zhōng yī tái "one China, one Taiwan" (policy)
一周 yī zhōu one week
一步 yí bù (single) step
一但 yí dàn if; in case; in a short time; once
一共 yí gòng altogether
一路平安 yí lù píng ān to have a pleasant journey; bon voyage
一秘 yí mì first secretary
一望無際 一望无际 yí wàng wú jì as far as the eye can see (lit: look afar no bound)
一下子 yí xià zi in a short while; all at once; all of a sudden
一向 yí xiàng all along; the whole time; constantly; earlier; lately
一項 一项 yí xiàng an item; a thing
一下兒 一下儿 yí xiàr a little bit; a little while
一樣 一样 yí yàng same; like; equal to; the same as; just like
一般 yì bān same; ordinary; common; general
一般來說 一般来说 yì bān lái shuō generally speaking
一般原則 一般原则 yì bān yuán zé general principle

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