Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
liè to arrange; to line up; row; file; series
列表 liè biǎo list
列車 列车 liè chē train (railway term)
列車炮 列车炮 liè chē pào railway gun
列島 列岛 liè dǎo archipelago; chain of islands
列舉 列举 liè jǔ (make a) list; enumerate
列寧 列宁 liè níng Vladimir Lenin, Russian revolutionary leader
列寧格勒圍城戰 列宁格勒围城战 Liè níng gé lè wéi chéng zhàn Siege of Leningrad
列寧主義 列宁主义 Liè níng zhǔ yì (n) Leninism
列入 liè rù (v) put on a list
列塞庇護十世村 列塞庇护十世村 Liè sāi bì hù shí shì cūn Riese Pio X
列王紀上 列王纪上 liè wáng jì shàng 1 Kings
列王紀下 列王纪下 liè wáng jì xià 2 Kings
列為 列为 liè wéi be classified as
列席 liè xí (v) attend as a speaking only delegate without voting rights
列支敦士登 liè zhī dūn shì dēng Liechtenstein
列子 Liè zǐ Lie Zi

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