Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
company; control
司鐸 司铎 sī duó priest
司法 sī fǎ judicial; (administration of) justice
司法部 Sī fǎ bù Justice Department (of the US government)
司法獨立 司法独立 sī fǎ dú lì judicial independence
司法權 司法权 sī fǎ quán jurisdiction
司法人員 司法人员 sī fǎ rén yuán law-enforcers
司機 司机 sī jī chauffeur; driver
司可福 Sī kě fú Cyrus Scofield
司空見慣 司空见惯 sī kōng jiàn guàn a common occurrence
司令 sī lìng commanding officer
司令部 sī lìng bù (n) headquarters; military upper command
司令員 司令员 sī lìng yuán commander
司馬 司马 Sī mǎ Sima (Chinese surname)
司馬保 司马保 Sī mǎ Bǎo Sima Bao
司馬遼太郎 司马辽太郎 Sī mǎ liáo tài láng Ryotaro Shiba (Japanese author)
司馬懿 司马懿 Sī mǎ Yì Sima Yi
司湯達 司汤达 Sī tāng dá Stendhal

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