Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
one-tenth of a peck
Chinese musical note; fit; to join
合編 合编 hé biān compile in collaboration with; merge and reorganize (army units, etc.)
合併 合并 hé bìng annex; merge
合並條約 合并条约 hé bìng tiáo yuē merger treaty
合唱 hé chàng chorus; to chorus
合唱團 合唱团 hé chàng tuán choir
合成 hé chéng compound; synthesis; mixture
合成詞 合成词 hé chéng cí compound word
合成類固醇 合成类固醇 hé chéng lèi gù chún anabolic steroids
合成器 hé chéng qì synthesizer
合成橡膠 合成橡胶 hé chéng xiàng jiāo synthetic rubber
合成語境 合成语境 hé chéng yǔ jìng composite context
合成語音 合成语音 hé chéng yǔ yīn assembled phonology
合川 Hé chuān (N) Hechuan (city in Sichuan)
合法 hé fǎ lawful; legitimate; legal
合法化 hé fǎ huà to legalize; to make legal; legalization
合法性 hé fǎ xìng legitimacy
合肥 hé féi Hefei, capital of An Hui province in south central China
合肥工業大學 合肥工业大学 Hé féi Gōng yè Dà xué Hefei University of Technology
合肥市 Hé féi shì Hefei
合格 hé gé qualified; eligible (voter)
合股 hé gǔ (n) joint stock
合股線 合股线 hé gǔ xiàn twine
合乎 hé hū (v) abide by; be in accordance with
合歡 合欢 Hé huān Albizia julibrissin
合伙 hé huǒ (v) construct a partnership
合夥人 hé huǒ rén partner
合計 合计 hé jì (vt) total
合江 Hé jiāng (N) Hejiang (place in Sichuan)
合金 hé jīn alloy
合理 hé lǐ rationale; reasonable
合力 hé lì cooperate
合浦 Hé pǔ (N) Hepu (place in Guangxi)
合氣道 合气道 hé qì dào aikido
合情合理 hé qíng hé lǐ reasonable and fair
合球 hé qiú korfball
合山 Hé shān (N) Heshan (city in Guangxi)
合適 合适 hé shì suitable; fit; decent
合水 Hé shuǐ (N) Heshui (place in Gansu)
合算 hé suàn worthwhile; reckon up
合體字 合体字 hé tǐ zì compound character, combined character
合同 hé tong (business) contract
合為 合为 hé wéi to combine
合陽 合阳 Hé yáng (N) Heyang (place in Shaanxi)
合一 hé yī unification
合意 hé yì acceptable; desirable
合議 合议 hé yì panel discussion
合議庭 合议庭 hé yì tíng colliagiate bench (legal term)
合營 合营 hé yíng (v) jointly operate; operate as a coop
合影 hé yǐng joint photo; group photo
合約 合约 hé yuē treaty; contract
合趾猿 hé zhǐ yuán siamang
合眾國 合众国 Hé zhòng guó United States
合資 合资 hé zī joint venture
合作 hé zuò to cooperate; to collaborate; to work together; cooperation
合作伙伴 hé zuò huǒ bàn cooperative partner
合作社 hé zuò shè (n) cooperative
合作者 hé zuò zhě (n) co-worker; cooperator; cooperator

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