Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
bào to announce; to inform; report; newspaper; recompense; revenge
報案 报案 bào àn report a case to the security authorities
報表 报表 bào biǎo forms for reporting statistics; report forms
報償 报偿 bào cháng repay; recompense
報仇 报仇 bào chóu to revenge (oneself); to avenge
報酬 报酬 bào chóu reward; remuneration
報春花 报春花 bào chūn huā Primula malacoides
報答 报答 bào dá repay; requite
報單 报单 bào dān taxation form; declaration form
報導 报导 bào dǎo to cover (report) news; news reporting; story; article
報到 报到 bào dào report for duty; check in; register
報道 报道 bào dào report
報恩 报恩 bào ēn pay a debt of gratitude
報廢 报废 bào fèi report as worthless; discard as worthless; reject; scrap
報分 报分 bào fēn call the score
報復 报复 bào fù make reprisals; retaliate; revenge; retaliation
報告 报告 bào gào to inform; report; make known; speech; talk; lecture
報告會 报告会 bào gào huì public lecture (with guest speakers, etc)
報關 报关 bào guān declare at customs; apply to customs
報館 报馆 bào guǎn newspaper office
報國 报国 bào guó dedicate oneself to the service of one's country
報戶口 报户口 bào hù kǒu apply for a resident permit
報話機 报话机 bào huà jī walkie-talkie; portable radio transmitter
報價 报价 bào jià quoted price
報捷 报捷 bào jié report a success; announce a victory
報界 报界 bào jiè the press; journalistic circles; the journalists
報警 报警 bào jǐng report (an incident) to the police; give an alarm
報刊 报刊 bào kān newspapers and periodicals; the press
報考 报考 bào kǎo enter oneself for an examination
報名 报名 bào míng enter one's name; apply; sign up
報幕 报幕 bào mù announce the items on a (theatrical) program
報社 报社 bào shè general office of a newspaper; newspaper office
報失 报失 bào shī report the loss to the authorities concerned
報時 报时 bào shí give the correct time
報數 报数 bào shù number off; count off
報稅 报税 bào shuì declare dutiable goods; make a statement of dutiable goods
報攤 报摊 bào tān newsstand
報童 报童 bào tóng paperboy
報頭 报头 bào tóu masthead (of a newspaper, etc.); nameplate
報窩 报窝 bào wō brood; hatch
報務員 报务员 bào wù yuán telegraph operator; radio operator
報喜 报喜 bào xǐ announce good news; report success
報系 报系 bào xì newspaper chain; syndicate
報銷 报销 bào xiāo submit an expense account; apply for reimbursement; write-off; wipe out
報曉 报晓 bào xiǎo herald the break of day
報效 报效 bào xiào render service to repay kindness
報信 报信 bào xìn notify; inform
報應 报应 bào yìng retribution; judgment
報章 报章 bào zhāng newspapers
報帳 报帐 bào zhàng render an account; submit an expense account; apply for reimbursement
報紙 报纸 bào zhǐ newspaper; newsprint
報紙報導 报纸报导 bào zhǐ bào dǎo newspaper report

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