Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
big; huge; large; major; great; wide; deep; oldest; eldest
大安 Dà ān (N) Da'an (city in Jilin)
大安區 大安区 Dà ān qū (N) Taan (area in Taiwan)
大安鄉 大安乡 Dà ān xiāng (N) Taan (village in Taiwan)
大壩 大坝 dà bà dam
大白菜 dà bái cài (n) bok choy (Chinese cabbage)
大班 dà bān Tai-Pan
大阪 Dà bǎn Osaka (city in Japan)
大阪府 Dà bǎn fǔ Osaka Prefecture
大半 dà bàn more than half; greater part; most
大棒 dà bàng big-stick
大包大攬 大包大揽 dà bāo dà lǎn (idiom) not worry about conditions or responsibilities, but rather take it all; all round contract
大寶 大宝 Dà bǎo Taiho (era)
大鴇 大鸨 dà bǎo great bustard
大爆炸 dà bào zhà the big bang (in cosmology)
大便 dà biàn to defecate; excrement; feces
大便乾燥 dà biàn gān zào constipated
大別山 大别山 Dà bié shān Dabie Shan mountain
大波蘭公爵 大波兰公爵 Dà bō lán gōng jué Dukes of Greater Poland
大伯 dà bó husband's older brother; brother-in-law
大捕頭 大捕头 dà bǔ tóu head constable
大埔 Dà bù (N) Dabu (place in Guangdong)
大部份 dà bù fen (in) large part; (the) greater part; the majority
大埔鄉 大埔乡 Dà bù xiāng (N) Tapu (village in Taiwan)
大步走 dà bù zǒu stride
大材小用 dà cái xiǎo yòng using a talented person in an insignificant position
大倉忠義 大仓忠义 Dà cāng zhōng yì Tadayoshi Ōkura
大草原 dà cǎo yuán prairie
大柴旦鎮 大柴旦镇 Dà chái dàn zhèn (N) Dachaidanzhen (place in Qinghai)
大腸 大肠 dà cháng the large intestine
大腸桿菌 大肠杆菌 dà cháng gǎn jūn Escherichia coli (E. coli)
大長今 大长今 Dà cháng jīn Dae Chang Kum, a Korean Drama (GM)
大長舌果蝠屬 大长舌果蝠属 Dà cháng shé guǒ fú shǔ Eonycteris
大廠回族自治縣 大厂回族自治县 Dà chǎng huí zú zì zhì xiàn (N) Dachanghuizu autonomous county (county in Beijing)
大潮 dà cháo tidal bore; tidal wave
大臣 dà chén chancellor
大城市 dà chéng shì major city; big city; metropolis; metropolis; large city
大城縣 大城县 Dà chéng xiàn (N) Dacheng county (county in Tianjin)
大城鄉 大城乡 Dà chéng xiāng (N) Tacheng (village in Taiwan)
大吃 dà chī gobble; eat quickly
大吹大擂 dà chuī dà léi make an exhibition of oneself; ostentation
大錘 大锤 dà chuí sledge
大蔥 大葱 dà cōng onions
大村鄉 大村乡 Dà cūn xiāng (N) Tatsun (village in Taiwan)
大錯 大错 dà cuò blunder
大大 dà dà greatly; enormously
大大小小 dà dà xiǎo xiǎo large and small, of all sizes
大袋子 dà dài zi sack
大膽 大胆 dà dǎn courageous; daring; fearless
大刀 Dà dāo Daikatana
大刀闊斧 大刀阔斧 dà dāo kuò fǔ bold and decisive
大道 dà dào main street
大道寺知世 Dà dào sì zhī shì Tomoyo Daidouji
大敵當前 大敌当前 dà dí dāng qián confront a powerful enemy
大地 dà dì earth; mother earth
大地洞 dà dì dòng cavern
大地圖 大地图 dà dì tú atlas
大地震 dà dì zhèn great earthquake
大動脈 大动脉 dà dòng mài (n) main artery
大都 dà dōu general; for the most part; on the whole
大荳 大豆 dà dòu soy bean
大都會 大都会 dà dū huì metropolitan
大都市 dà dū shì (n) megacity; metropolis
大渡河 Dà dù hé Dadu River
大肚鄉 大肚乡 Dà dù xiāng (N) Tatu (village in Taiwan)
大肚子 dà dù zi pregnant
大隊 大队 dà duì group; a large body of; production brigade
大多 dà duō for the most part; many; most; the greater part; mostly
大多數 大多数 dà duō shù (great) majority
大舵手 dà duò shǒu the Great Helmsman (Mao Zedong)
大耳猬屬 大耳猬属 Dà ěr wèi shǔ Hemiechinus
大發雷霆 大发雷霆 dà fā léi tíng extremely angry
大法官 dà fǎ guān grand justice; high court justice; supreme court justice
大范圍 大范围 dà fàn wéi large-scale
大方 dà fāng generous
大分子 dà fēn zǐ (chem.) macromolecule
大豐 大丰 Dà fēng (N) Dafeng (place in Jiangsu)
大幅 dà fú a big margin; substantially
大幅度 dà fú dù by a wide margin; substantial
大釜 dà fǔ (n) cauldron
大概 dà gài roughly; probably; rough; approximate; about
大綱 大纲 dà gāng main point; leading principles
大哥 dà gē eldest brother
大哥大 dà gē dà cellphone
大哥倫比亞共和國 大哥伦比亚共和国 Dà Gē lún bǐ yà Gòng hé guó Gran Colombia
大革命 dà gé mìng great revolution
大功 dà gōng great merit; great service
大公報 大公报 Dà Gōng Bào Ta Kung Pao
大功告成 dà gōng gào chéng successfully accomplished (project or goal); to be highly successful
大公國 大公国 dà gōng guó Grand Duchy
大公司 dà gōng sī large company; corporation
大公無私 大公无私 dà gōng wú sī just and fair
大姑 dà gū husband's older sister; sister-in-law
大沽 dà gū Taku Forts
大鼓 dà gǔ (n) bass drum
大谷光瑞 Dà gǔ guāng ruì Ōtani Kōzui
大關 大关 dà guān (reach a) critical point
大規模 大规模 dà guī mó large scale; extensive; wide scale; broad scale
大規模殺傷性武器 大规模杀伤性武器 dà guī mó shā shāng xìng wǔ qì weapons of mass destruction
大鍋飯 大锅饭 dà guō fàn (n) food made in a large wok in a mess hall; (idiom) a term used to refer to equal treatment
大國 大国 dà guó a power (i.e. a dominant country)
大國家黨 大国家党 Dà Guó jiā Dǎng Grand National Party
大海 dà hǎi sea; ocean
大寒 dà hán Dahan
大韓民國 大韩民国 Dà hán Mín guó Republic of Korea (South Korea)
大韓民國國家報勳處 大韩民国国家报勋处 Dà hán Mín guó Guó jiā bào xūn chù Ministry of Patriots' and Veterans' Affairs
大韓民國臨時政府 大韩民国临时政府 Dà hán Mín guó lín shí zhèng fǔ Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea
大號 大号 dà hào tuba
大和 dà hé Yamato
大和悠河 Dà hé yōu hé Yūga Yamato
大湖 Dà hú Great Lakes
大湖鄉 大湖乡 Dà hú xiāng (N) Tahu (village in Taiwan)
大化瑤族自治縣 大化瑶族自治县 Dà huà yáo zú zì zhì xiàn (N) Dahua Yaozu autonomous county (county in Guangxi)
大環 大环 dà huán Tai Wan (bay in Hong Kong)
大黃蜂 大黄蜂 dà huáng fēng bumblebee
大會 大会 dà huì general assembly; general meeting; convention
大夥 dà huǒ (n) a great number of people or things
大火 dà huǒ conflagration; large fire
大伙兒 大伙儿 dà huǒ er (pron) everyone
大惑不解 dà huò bù jiě do not understand a certain thing
大吉 dà jí very auspicious; extremely lucky
大家 dà jiā authority; everyone
大甲鎮 大甲镇 Dà jiǎ zhèn (N) Tachia (town in Taiwan)
大獎 大奖 dà jiǎng (n) grand prix
大將 大将 dà jiàng a general or admiral
大教堂 dà jiào táng cathedral
大街 dà jiē street; main street
大街小巷 dà jiē xiǎo xiàng large streets and small lanes
大驚失色 大惊失色 dà jīng shī sè apprehensive
大驚小怪 大惊小怪 dà jīng xiǎo guài much fuss about nothing
大井川鐵道 大井川铁道 Dà jǐng chuān tiě dào Oigawa Railway
大舅子 dà jiù zi (informal) wife's older brother
大局 dà jú general situation; present conditions
大局將棋 大局将棋 dà jú jiāng qí taikyoku shogi
大舉 大举 dà jǔ carry out a large-scale (military) operation
大空町 dà kōng tǐng Ōzora, Hokkaidō
大快人心 dà kuài rén xīn to the satisfaction of everyone
大塊頭 大块头 dà kuài tóu heavy man; fat man; lunkhead; lummox; lug
大藍鷺 大蓝鹭 Dà lán lù Great Blue Heron
大浪 dà làng billow; surge
大浪灣 大浪湾 Dà làng wān Big Wave Bay
大類 大类 dà lèi main type; main class; main category
大理 Dà lǐ (N) Dali (place in Yunnan)
大里 Dà lǐ (N) Tali (city in Taiwan)
大理石 dà lǐ shí marble
大力 dà lì energetic; vigorous; vigorously
大荔 Dà lì (N) Dali (place in Shaanxi)
大力發展 大力发展 dà lì fā zhǎn vigorous expansion; rapid development
大利拉 Dà lì lā Delilah (person name)
大力士 dà lì shì Hercules
大連 大连 Dà lián (N) Dalian (city in Liaoning)
大鐮刀 大镰刀 dà lián dāo scythe
大連理工大學 大连理工大学 Dà lián Lǐ gōng Dà xué Dalian University of Technology
大連市 大连市 Dà lián shì Dalian
大量 dà liàng great amount; large quantity; numerous
大量生產 大量生产 dà liàng shēng chǎn (n) mass production; (vi) mass-produce
大寮鄉 大寮乡 Dà liáo xiāng (N) Taliao (village in Taiwan)
大林鎮 大林镇 Dà lín zhèn (N) Talin (town in Taiwan)
大樓 大楼 dà lóu large building
大路 dà lù avenue
大陸 大陆 dà lù continent; mainland (esp. of China); mainland China
大鹿 dà lù moose
大陸話 大陆话 dà lù huà Mainland Chinese (language)
大陸架 大陆架 dà lù jià continental shelf
大陸漂移 大陆漂移 dà lù piāo yí continental drift
大媽 大妈 dà mā father's elder brother's wife; aunt (affectionate term for an elderly woman)
大麻 dà má hemp; marijuana
大麻哈魚 大麻哈鱼 dà má hǎ yú chum salmon
大馬士革 大马士革 dà mǎ shì gé Damascus (capital of Syria)
大麥 大麦 dà mài barley
大滿貫 大满贯 dà mǎn guàn grand slam
大媒體 大媒体 dà méi tǐ macromedia
大門 大门 dà mén entrance; door; gate
大米 dà mǐ rice
大名 Dà míng (N) Daming (place in Hebei)
大明鼎鼎 dà míng dǐng dǐng a grand reputation; renowned; famous
大摩拉維亞公國 大摩拉维亚公国 Dà Mó lā wéi yà Gōng guó Great Moravia
大拇指 dà mǔ zhǐ (n) thumb
大腦 大脑 dà nǎo brain; cerebrum
大腦比喻 大脑比喻 dà nǎo bǐ yù brain metaphor
大腦死亡 大脑死亡 dà nǎo sǐ wáng brain dead
大鬧天宮 大闹天宫 dà nào tiān gōng "The Monkey Creates Havoc in Heaven", story about Sun Wu Kong
大內鄉 大内乡 Dà nèi xiāng (N) Tanei (village in Taiwan)
大能 dà néng almighty
大娘 dà niáng (informal) father's older brother's wife; aunt
大寧 大宁 Dà níng (N) Daning (place in Shanxi)
大農場 大农场 dà nóng chǎng ranch
大盤子 大盘子 dà pán zi platter
大砲 大炮 dà pào artillery; cannon
大陪審團 大陪审团 dà péi shěn tuán grand jury
大鵬 大鹏 dà péng roc (mythical bird of prey)
大篷車 大篷车 dà péng chē schooner
大批 dà pī large quantities of
大埤鄉 大埤乡 Dà pí xiāng (N) Tapi (village in Taiwan)
大瀑布城 Dà pù bù chéng Great Falls, Montana
大氣 大气 dà qì atmosphere
大氣層 大气层 dà qì céng atmosphere
大氣層核試驗 大气层核试验 dà qì céng hé shì yàn atmospheric nuclear test
大气候 dà qì hòu atmosphere
大氣環流 大气环流 dà qì huán liú atmospheric circulation

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