Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
letter; symbol; character; word
字輩 字辈 zì bèi generation name
字串 zì chuàn character string
字典 zì diǎn dictionary; character dictionary
字段 zì duàn (numeric, data) field
字符串 zì fú chuàn string (computer science)
字根合體字 字根合体字 zì gēn hé tǐ zì stem compound
字彙 字汇 zì huì (computer) character repertoire; glossary, lexicon
字彙判斷任務 字汇判断任务 zì huì pàn duàn rèn wù character decision task
字集 zì jí character set
字節 字节 zì jié byte
字節數 字节数 zì jié shù byte count
字碼 字码 zì mǎ character code
字母 zì mǔ letter (of the alphabet)
字母順序概率 字母顺序概率 zì mǔ shùn xù gài lǜ probability of letter sequences
字幕 zì mù caption
字首 zì shǒu prefix
字素 zì sù grapheme
字體 字体 zì tǐ font
字帖 zì tiè copybook (for calligraphy)
字圖 字图 zì tú glyph
字尾 zì wěi suffix
字型 zì xíng font
字形 zì xíng glyph
字眼 zì yǎn (n) wording
字元 zì yuán (computer) character (tw)
字元集 zì yuán jí character set
字斟句酌 zì zhēn jù zhuó weighing every word

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