Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
xìng sex; nature; surname; suffix corresponding to -ness or -ity
性伴侶 性伴侣 xìng bàn lǚ sex partner
性別 性别 xìng bié distinguishing between the sexes
性別比 性别比 xìng bié bǐ sex ratio
性病 xìng bìng venereal disease; sexually transmitted disease; VD
性感 xìng gǎn sex appeal; eroticism; sexuality
性高潮 xìng gāo cháo orgasm
性格 xìng gé nature; disposition; temperament; character
性關係 性关系 xìng guān xi sexual relations
性交 xìng jiāo sexual intercourse
性交高潮 xìng jiāo gāo cháo orgasm
性教育 xìng jiào yù sex education
性接觸 性接触 xìng jiē chù sexual encounter
性命 xìng mìng (n) life
性能 xìng néng function; performance
性器官 xìng qì guān sexual organ
性情 xìng qing nature; temperament
性騷擾 性骚扰 xìng sāo rǎo sexual harassment
性細胞 性细胞 xìng xì bāo sexual cell
性腺 xìng xiàn gonad; sex gland
性行 xìng xíng sexual activity
性行為 性行为 xìng xíng wéi sexual behavior
性慾 性欲 xìng yù sexual desire
性質 性质 xìng zhì nature; characteristic
性子 xìng zi temper

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