Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
beat; strike; break; mix up; build; fight; fetch; make; tie up; issue; shoot; calculate; since; from
打敗 打败 dǎ bài to defeat; to overpower; to beat; to suffer a defeat; to be defeated
打扮 dǎ bàn dress up
打包 dǎ bāo (H.K. term) doggie bag; take-home bag from a restaurant
打不過 打不过 dǎ bu guò not to be able to beat or defeat sb.; to be no match for
打岔 dǎ chà (n) interruption
打錯了 打错了 dǎ cuò le "you have dialed the wrong number"
打倒 dǎ dǎo flatten
打道回府 dǎ dào huí fǔ (v) head back; return
打的 dǎ dí take a taxi
打底 dǎ dǐ underpainting
打點 打点 dǎ diǎn run batted in
打電話 打电话 dǎ diàn huà to make a telephone call
打賭 打赌 dǎ dǔ (make a) bet; wager
打發 打发 dǎ fa (v) dispatch sb to do sth; (v) send sb away; (v) pass the time
打翻 dǎ fān overthrow
打工 dǎ gōng part time job
打橫炮 打横炮 dǎ héng pào speak unwarrantedly
打呼 dǎ hū snore
打擊 打击 dǎ jī to hit; to strike; to attack
打擊軍事力量 打击军事力量 dǎ jī jūn shì lì liang counterforce
打擊社會財富 打击社会财富 dǎ jī shè huì cái fù countervalue
打架 dǎ jià fight; scuffle; come to blows
打交道 dǎ jiāo dào come into contact with; have dealing with
打結 打结 dǎ jié tie a knot; tie
打進 打进 dǎ jìn to breach; to invade
打開 打开 dǎ kāi to open; to show (a ticket); to turn on; to switch on
打孔器 dǎ kǒng qì hole puncher
打量 dǎ liang (v) take measure of; size up
打獵 打猎 dǎ liè hunt
打牌 dǎ pái to play mahjong or cards
打跑 dǎ pǎo (v) fight off
打噴嚏 打喷嚏 dǎ pēn tì sneeze
打破 dǎ pò to break; to smash
打情罵俏 打情骂俏 dǎ qíng mà qiào to tease a woman by pretending to be displeased with them; to flirt with a member of the opposite sex; banter flirtatiously
打拳 dǎ quán to do shadowboxing
打擾 打扰 dǎ rǎo disturb
打掃 打扫 dǎ sǎo to clean; to sweep
打傷 打伤 dǎ shāng bruise; injure
打死 dǎ sǐ kill
打算 dǎ suàn to plan; to intend; to calculate; plan; intention; calculation
打碎 dǎ suì shatter
打聽 打听 dǎ ting ask about; inquire about
打消 dǎ xiāo dispel (doubts, misgivings, etc.); give up on
打印 dǎ yìn to print; to seal; to stamp
打印服務器 打印服务器 dǎ yìn fú wù qì print server
打印機 打印机 dǎ yìn jī printer
打仗 dǎ zhàng fight
打招呼 dǎ zhāo hu (v) greet sb by word or action; (v) give prior notice
打針 打针 dǎ zhēn to give or have an injection
打製 打制 dǎ zhì forge
打字 dǎ zì to type
打字機 打字机 dǎ zì jī typewriter
打字員 打字员 dǎ zì yuán typist
打坐 dǎ zuò sit in meditation; to meditate

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