Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
zhèng political; politics; government
政變 政变 zhèng biàn coup d'etat
政策 zhèng cè policy
政黨 政党 zhèng dǎng political party
政府 zhèng fǔ government
政府部門 政府部门 zhèng fǔ bù mén government branch
政府機構 政府机构 zhèng fǔ jī gòu government organization
政府機關 政府机关 zhèng fǔ jī guān (n) government (referring to it as an organization or body)
政府機關開放系統互連總則 政府机关开放系统互连总则 zhèng fǔ jī guān kāi fàng xì tǒng hù lián zǒng zé Government Open system Interconnection Profile; GOSIP
政府間氣候變化專門委員會 政府间气候变化专门委员会 Zhèng fǔ jiān Qì hòu Biàn huà Zhuān mén Wěi yuán huì Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
政府警告 zhèng fǔ jǐng gào government warning
政府新聞處 政府新闻处 zhèng fǔ xīn wén chù information services department
政和 Zhèng hé (N) Zhenghe (place in Fujian)
政績 政绩 zhèng jī (political) achievements; track record
政見 政见 zhèng jiàn political views
政教合一 zhèng jiào hé yī Caesaropapism
政界 zhèng jiè political and government circles
政局 zhèng jú political situation
政論 政论 zhèng lùn political commentary
政圈 zhèng quān government circle; political circle
政權 政权 zhèng quán regime; (wield) political power
政委 zhèng wěi political commissar (within the army)
政務 政务 zhèng wù government affairs
政協 政协 zhèng xié CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Committee)
政治 zhèng zhì politics; political
政治犯 zhèng zhì fàn political prisoner
政治關係 政治关系 zhèng zhì guān xì political relations
政治機構 政治机构 zhèng zhì jī gòu political organization
政治家 zhèng zhì jiā statesman; politician
政治經濟學 政治经济学 zhèng zhì jīng jì xué political economy
政治局 zhèng zhì jú politburo
政治氣候 政治气候 zhèng zhì qì hòu political climate
政治體制 政治体制 zhèng zhì tǐ zhì form of government
政治性 zhèng zhì xìng political
政治學 政治学 zhèng zhì xué politics; political science

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