Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
(surname); change; easy; simple
易北河 Yì běi hé Elbe river
易懂 yì dǒng easy to understand
易接近 yì jiē jìn accessible
易經 易经 yì jīng The Book of Changes ("I Ching")
易洛魁縣 易洛魁县 Yì luò kuí xiàn Iroquois County, Illinois
易門 易门 Yì mén (N) Yimen (place in Yunnan)
易取得 yì qǔ dé accessible
易趣 yì qù eBay (web auction company)
易受攻擊 易受攻击 yì shòu gōng jī vulnerable
易碎 yì suì brittle; fragile
易縣 易县 Yì xiàn (N) Yi county (county in Hebei)

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