Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
huì be able to; be likely to; to assemble; to meet; to gather; group; association
會安 会安 Huì ān Hoi An (in Vietnam)
會變 会变 huì biàn variable
會不會 会不会 huì bù huì (posing a question: whether someone, something) can or not; is able to or not
會昌 会昌 Huì chāng (N) Huichang (place in Jiangxi)
會場 会场 huì chǎng meeting place; place where people gather
會東 会东 Huì dōng (N) Huidong (place in Sichuan)
會費 会费 huì fèi due
會合 会合 huì hé meet; have a meeting
會合處 会合处 huì hé chù joint
會話 会话 huì huà conversation
會見 会见 huì jiàn to meet with (someone who is paying a visit)
會客 会客 huì kè receive a visitor
會裡縣 会里县 Huì lǐ xiàn (N) Huili county (county in Sichuan)
會漏 会漏 huì lòu leak
會面 会面 huì miàn meet with; have a meeting
會寧 会宁 Huì níng (N) Huining (place in Gansu)
會期 会期 huì qī session
會死 会死 huì sǐ mortal
會談 会谈 huì tán talks; discussions
會同 会同 huì tóng (v) jointly take care of a matter
會晤 会晤 huì wù meet; meeting; conference
會議 会议 huì yì meeting; conference
會議室 会议室 huì yì shì (n) assembly room; meeting room
會意字 会意字 huì yì zì associative compounds
會陰 会阴 huì yīn perineum
會友 会友 huì yǒu membership
會員 会员 huì yuán member
會員國 会员国 huì yuán guó member nation
會澤 会泽 Huì zé (N) Huize (place in Yunnan)
會長 会长 huì zhǎng president of a club, committee, etc.
會長團 会长团 huì zhǎng tuán presidency
kuài to balance an account; accounting
會計 会计 kuài jì accountant; accounting
會計科目 会计科目 kuài jì kē mù account
會計師 会计师 kuài jì shī accountant
會計學 会计学 kuài jì xué accountancy

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