Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
business; occupation; study
業績 业绩 yè jī outstanding achievement
業界 业界 yè jiè industry
業界標準 业界标准 yè jiè biāo zhǔn industry standard
業經 业经 yè jīng already
業務 业务 yè wù business; profession
業余 业余 yè yú spare time; amateur
業余大學 业余大学 yè yú dà xué college for people who attend after work (lit.: spare-time college)
業余無線電執照 业余无线电执照 yè yú wú xiàn diàn zhí zhào amateur radio license
業餘者 业馀者 yè yú zhě amateur
業主 业主 yè zhǔ owner; proprietor

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