Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
měi each; every
每次 měi cì every time
每端口價格 每端口价格 měi duān kǒu jià gé price per port
每隔 měi gé at intervals of; every (so often)
每個人 每个人 měi gè rén everybody; everyone
每況愈下 每况愈下 měi kuàng yù xià steadily deteriorate
每每 měi měi often
每年 měi nián every year; each year; yearly
每年一度 měi nián yī dù once a year (every year)
每人 měi rén per person; each person
每日 měi rì daily
每日新聞 每日新闻 Měi rì Xīn wén Mainichi Shimbun
每天 měi tiān every day; everyday
每夜 měi yè nightly
每一 měi yī every
每周 měi zhōu every week

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