Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
(particle used for comparison and "-er than"); to compare; to contrast; to gesture (with hands); ratio
比比皆是 bǐ bǐ jiē shì can be found everywhere
比不上 bǐ bù shàng can't compare with
比爾 比尔 Bǐ ěr Bill
比爾 比尔 Bǐ ěr Bill (name)
比爾蓋茨 比尔盖茨 Bǐ ěr Gài cí Bill Gates (Microsoft founder)
比方 bǐ fang analogy; instance
比方說 比方说 bǐ fang shuō to make an analogy...
比分 bǐ fēn score
比佛利山 Bǐ fó lì Shān Beverly Hills
比干 Bǐ Gān Bi Gan (Chinese god of wealth)
比哈爾邦 比哈尔邦 Bǐ hā ěr bāng Bihar
比畫 比画 bǐ huà gesture; gesticulate
比霍爾龍 比霍尔龙 Bǐ huò ěr lóng Bihariosaurus
比基尼 bǐ jī ní bikini
比價 比价 bǐ jià price relations; parity; rate of exchange
比較少 比较少 bǐ jiǎo shǎo lesser
比較 比较 bǐ jiào compare; contrast; fairly; comparatively; relatively; quite; rather
比較而言 比较而言 bǐ jiào ér yán comparatively speaking
比較文學 比较文学 bǐ jiào wén xué comparative literature
比較喜歡 比较喜欢 bǐ jiào xǐ huān prefer
比較新 比较新 bǐ jiào xīn comparatively new; relatively new
比較優勢 比较优势 bǐ jiào yōu shì comparative advantage
比克爾斯棘龍 比克尔斯棘龙 Bǐ kè ěr sī jí lóng Becklespinax
比勒費爾德 比勒费尔德 Bǐ lè fèi ěr dé Bielefeld (city in Germany)
比勒陀利亞 比勒陀利亚 Bǐ lè tuó lì yà Pretoria (capital of South Africa)
比例 bǐ lì proportion; scale; proportional
比利 Bǐ lì Pelé
比例尺 bǐ lì chǐ scale; architect's scale; engineer's scale
比利牛斯鼬鼴 比利牛斯鼬鼹 Bǐ lì niú sī yòu yǎn Pyrenean Desman
比利時 比利时 bǐ lì shí Belgium
比利時足球聯賽系統 比利时足球联赛系统 Bǐ lì shí zú qiú lián sài xì tǒng Belgian football league system
比量 bǐ liàng take rough measurements (with the hand, a stick, string, etc.)
比鄰 比邻 bǐ lín neighbor; next-door neighbor; near; next to
比靈斯縣 比灵斯县 Bǐ líng sī xiàn Billings County, North Dakota
比率 bǐ lǜ ratio; rate; percentage
比目魚 比目鱼 bǐ mù yú flatfish; flounder
比擬 比拟 bǐ nǐ compare; draw a parallel; match; analogy; metaphor; comparison
比歐族 比欧族 Bǐ ōu zú House of Bëor
比起 bǐ qǐ compared with
比熱 比热 bǐ rè specific heat
比容 bǐ róng specific volume
比如 bǐ rú for example; for instance; such as
比叡山 比睿山 Bǐ ruì shān Mount Hiei
比撒列 Bǐ sǎ liè Bezalel
比薩 比萨 bǐ sà pizza
比薩餅 比萨饼 bǐ sà bǐng pizza
比賽 比赛 bǐ sài [athletic or other] competition; match
比色分析 bǐ sè fēn xī colorimetric analysis
比上不足比下有余 bǐ shàng bù zú bǐ xià yǒu yú fall short of the best but be better than the worst; can pass muster
比紹 比绍 Bǐ shào Bissau (capital of Guinea-Bissau)
比濕 比湿 bǐ shī specific humidity
比什凱克 比什凯克 Bǐ shí kǎi kè Bishkek (capital of Kyrgyzstan)
比試 比试 bǐ shì have a competition; measure with one's hand or arm; make a gesture of measuring
比斯克拉 Bǐ sī kè lā Biskra
比索 bǐ suǒ Peso (currency in Lat. Amer.)
比威力 bǐ wēi lì yield-to-weight ratio
比亞 比亚 Bǐ yà Bia (in mythology)
比翼 bǐ yì fly wing to wing
比一比 bǐ yi bǐ to make a comparison; to engage in a contest
比喻 bǐ yù metaphor; analogy; figure of speech
比照 bǐ zhào according to; in the light of; contrast
比值 bǐ zhí specific value; ratio
比值比 bǐ zhí bǐ odds ratio
比重 bǐ zhòng proportion; specific gravity
associate with; be near

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