Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
huó to live; alive; living; work; workmanship
活動 活动 huó dòng activity; exercise; behavior
活動房屋 活动房屋 huó dòng fáng wū trailer
活動體 活动体 huó dòng tǐ trophozoite
活動桌面 活动桌面 huó dòng zhuō miàn active desktop
活該 活该 huó gāi (coll.) serve sb. right; deservedly; ought; should
活化 huó huà activation
活化分析 huó huà fēn xī activation analysis
活化石 huó huà shí living fossil
活火山 huó huǒ shān active volcano
活力 huó lì energy; vitality
活潑 活泼 huó po lively; vivacious; brisk; active
活期存款 huó qī cún kuǎn savings account
活塞 huó sāi piston; valve
活生生 huó shēng shēng (adv) while still alive
活體檢視 活体检视 huó tǐ jiǎn shì biopsy
活性炭 huó xìng tàn activated carbon
活躍 活跃 huó yuè active; vigorous
活著 活着 huó zhe alive
活兒 活儿 huór (n) work (typically used only in speech)

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