Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
xiāo consume; news; subside; to disappear; to vanish
消除 xiāo chú to eliminate; to remove
消除毒劑 消除毒剂 xiāo chú dú jì decontamination
消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約 消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约 Xiāo chú duì Fù nǚ Yī qiè Xíng shì Qí shì Gōng yuē Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
消除鋸齒 消除锯齿 xiāo chú jù chǐ anti-alias (computer graphics)
消毒 xiāo dú disinfect; sterilize
消防 xiāo fáng fire-fighting; fire control
消防車 消防车 xiāo fáng chē fire engine
消防隊 消防队 xiāo fáng duì (n) fire brigade; fire department
消防隊員 消防队员 xiāo fáng duì yuán fireman
消防局 xiāo fáng jú fire department
消防栓 xiāo fáng shuān fire hydrant
消費 消费 xiāo fèi to consume
消費品 消费品 xiāo fèi pǐn (n) consumer goods
消費稅 消费税 xiāo fèi shuì (n) consumption duty (tax); sales tax
消費者 消费者 xiāo fèi zhě consumer
消耗 xiāo hào to use up; to consume
消耗量 xiāo hào liàng rate of consumption
消化 xiāo huà digest; digestion; digestive
消化系統 消化系统 xiāo huà xì tǒng gastrointestinal tract
消極 消极 xiāo jí passive
消滅 消灭 xiāo miè perish; cause to perish; annihilation (in quantum field theory)
消遣 xiāo qiǎn amusement; pastime; diversion
消去 xiāo qù eliminate
消失 xiāo shī disappear; fade away
消逝 xiāo shì (n) disappearance
消退 xiāo tuì (v) wane
消息 xiāo xi news; information
消息靈通人士 消息灵通人士 xiāo xi líng tōng rén shì a well-informed source; a person with inside information
消炎 xiāo yán decrease inflammation
消炎藥 消炎药 xiāo yán yào antibiotic medicine
消音器 xiāo yīn qì muffler

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