Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
děng class; rank; grade; equal to; same as; wait for; await; et cetera; and so on
等比數列 等比数列 děng bǐ shù liè geometric progression
等差數列 等差数列 děng chā shù liè arithmetic progression
等待 děng dài wait for; await
等到 děng dào wait until; by the time when (something is ready, etc)
等等 děng děng et cetera; etc; etcetera; and so on
等候 děng hòu waiting
等級 等级 děng jí degree; rate
等級制度 等级制度 děng jí zhì dù hierarchy
等離子體 等离子体 děng lí zǐ tǐ (phys.) plasma
等位基因 děng wèi jī yīn allele
等溫等壓系綜 等温等压系综 Děng wēn děng yā xì zōng Isothermal-isobaric ensemble
等效百萬噸當量 等效百万吨当量 děng xiào bǎi wàn dūn dāng liáng equivalent megatonnage (EMT)
等於 等于 děng yú to equal

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