Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
jīng energy; perfect; excellent; refined; very; proficient
精彩 jīng cǎi brilliant; splendid
精打細算 精打细算 jīng dǎ xì suàn (saying) meticulous planning and careful accounting
精讀 精读 jīng dú intensive reading; peruse; perusal
精讀課 精读课 jīng dú kè intensive reading course
精度 jīng dù precision
精干 jīng gàn crack (troops); special (forces); highly capable
精耕細作 精耕细作 jīng gēng xì zuò intensive farming
精工 Jīng gōng Seiko
精河 Jīng hé (N) Jinghe (place in Xinjiang)
精華 精华 jīng huá (n) best feature; most important part of an object
精簡 精简 jīng jiǎn to simplify; to reduce
精簡開支 精简开支 jīng jiǎn kāi zhī to reduce spending; to cut spending
精力 jīng lì energy
精力充沛 jīng lì chōng pèi vigorous
精煉 精炼 jīng liàn refine; purify; smart and capable; concise; succinct; terse; well-trained
精練 精练 jīng liàn concise; succinct; terse; well-trained
精靈 精灵 jīng líng elf
精靈守護者 精灵守护者 Jīng líng shǒu hù zhě Guardian of the Sacred Spirit
精靈甦醒 精灵苏醒 Jīng líng sū xǐng Awakening of the Elves
精美 jīng měi delicate; fine; refinement
精密 jīng mì accuracy; exact
精明 jīng míng astute; skilled
精囊 jīng náng spermatophore
精疲力竭 jīng pí lì jié (phr) spent; exhausted
精疲力盡 精疲力尽 jīng pí lì jìn tired; exhausted; worn-out; spent
精巧 jīng qiǎo elaborate
精確 精确 jīng què accurate; precise
精神 jīng shén vigor; vitality; drive; spiritual; mental; psychological
精神病 jīng shén bìng mental disorder; psychosis
精神病學 精神病学 jīng shén bìng xué psychiatry
精神病醫院 精神病医院 jīng shén bìng yī yuàn psychiatric hospital
精神錯亂 精神错乱 jīng shén cuò luàn insanity
精神分析 jīng shén fēn xī psychoanalysis
精神疾病 jīng shén jí bìng mental illness
精神健康 jīng shén jiàn kāng mental health
精神性厭食症 精神性厌食症 jīng shén xìng yàn shí zhèng anorexia nervosa
精神學 精神学 jīng shén xué psychology
精神學家 精神学家 jīng shén xué jiā psychologist
精神鴉片 精神鸦片 jīng shén yā piàn opium of the people
精髓 jīng suǐ marrow; pith; quintessence; essence
精通 jīng tōng proficient
精衛填海 精卫填海 jīng wèi tián hǎi (idiom) determination in the face of great odds (lit. "Jingwei filling the sea")
精細 精细 jīng xì fine; meticulous; careful
精心 jīng xīn (adv) with utmost care; meticulously; (adv) detailed; meticulous
精選 精选 jīng xuàn chosen
精液 jīng yè semen
精益求精 jīng yì qiú jīng (saying) improving and wanting to improve even more
精英 jīng yīng cream; elite; essence; quintessence
精致 jīng zhì delicacy
精製 精制 jīng zhì refined
精子 jīng zǐ sperm; spermatozoon
精子密度 jīng zǐ mì dù sperm count

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