Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
zhí office; duty
職稱 职称 zhí chēng (n) title; name (in reference to technical positions)
職工 职工 zhí gōng workers; staff
職能 职能 zhí néng (n) function; role
職權 职权 zhí quán (n) authority; power over others
職位 职位 zhí wèi post; office; position
職務 职务 zhí wù a post; a position
職業 职业 zhí yè job occupation; profession
職業盃 职业杯 zhí yè bēi Pro Bowl
職業病 职业病 zhí yè bìng occupational disease
職業特工隊 职业特工队 Zhí yè tè gōng duì Mission: Impossible
職業中學 职业中学 zhí yè zhōng xué vocational high school
職員 职员 zhí yuán office worker; staff member
職責 职责 zhí zé duty, responsibility, or obligation
職志 职志 zhí zhì aspiration

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