Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
to dance; to wield; to brandish
舞弊 wǔ bì fraud
舞蹈 wǔ dǎo dance
舞蹈家 wǔ dào jiā dancer
舞鋼 舞钢 Wǔ gāng (N) Wugang (city in Henan)
舞會 舞会 wǔ huì dance; ball; party
舞妓 wǔ jì dancer; female dancer; showgirl
舞劇 舞剧 wǔ jù dance drama; ballet
舞龍 舞龙 wǔ lóng dragon dance
舞孃 舞娘 Wǔ niáng Dancing Diva
舞弄 wǔ nòng to wave; to brandish
舞獅 舞狮 wǔ shī lion dance (traditional Chinese dance form)
舞台 wǔ tái (theatrical or political) stage; arena
舞廳 舞厅 wǔ tīng (n) dance hall; ballroom
舞陽 舞阳 Wǔ yáng (N) Wuyang (place in Henan)

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