Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
subject; class; lesson
課本 课本 kè běn textbook
課表 课表 kè biǎo school timetable
課程 课程 kè chéng course; class
課時 课时 kè shí class; period
課堂 课堂 kè táng classroom
課題 课题 kè tí task; problem; issue
課外 课外 kè wài extracurricular
課文 课文 kè wén text
課文啟動 课文启动 kè wén qǐ dòng text priming
課業 课业 kè yè lesson; schoolwork
課余 课余 kè yú after school
課桌 课桌 kè zhuō school desk

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