Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
huò goods; money; commodity
貨幣 货币 huò bì currency; monetary; money
貨幣貶值 货币贬值 huò bì biǎn zhí currency devaluation; to devaluate a currency
貨幣危機 货币危机 huò bì wēi jī monetary crisis
貨車 货车 huò chē van
貨機 货机 huò jī cargo plane
貨輪 货轮 huò lún freighter; cargo ship
貨物 货物 huò wù goods; commodity; merchandise
貨物運輸 货物运输 huò wù yùn shū freight
貨源 货源 huò yuán supply of goods
貨運 货运 huò yùn freight transport; cargo; transported goods
貨運列車 货运列车 huò yùn liè chē goods train; freight train

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