Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
kāi open; operate (vehicle); start
開辦 开办 kāi bàn open; start (a business, etc.); set up
開採 开采 kāi cǎi (v) extract ore or some other natural resource from a mine
開車 开车 kāi chē to drive a car
開車人 开车人 kāi chē rén driver; person driving a vehicle
開城 开城 kāi chéng Kaesong
開除 开除 kāi chú to expel
開除學籍 开除学籍 kāi chú xué jí to expel from school
開創 开创 kāi chuàng initiate; begin
開刀 开刀 kāi dāo to perform or have an operation; to operate on or to be operated on
開動 开动 kāi dòng start; set in motion; move; march
開端 开端 kāi duān start; beginning
開發 开发 kāi fā exploit (a resource); open up (for development); to develop
開發過程 开发过程 kāi fā guò chéng development process
開發環境 开发环境 kāi fā huán jìng development environment (computer)
開發區 开发区 kāi fā qū development zone
開發人員 开发人员 kāi fā rén yuán developer
開發銀行 开发银行 kāi fā yín háng development bank
開發週期 开发周期 kāi fā zhōu qī development cycle; development period
開飯 开饭 kāi fàn serve a meal
開放 开放 kāi fàng lift (restrictions); open; to lift a ban; to make open to the public
開放式網絡 开放式网络 kāi fàng shì wǎng luò open network
開放式系統 开放式系统 kāi fàng shì xì tǒng open system(s)
開放系統 开放系统 kāi fàng xì tǒng open system
開放系統互連 开放系统互连 kāi fàng xì tǒng hù lián open systems interconnection; OSI
開放源碼軟件 开放源码软件 kāi fàng yuán mǎ ruǎn jiàn open source software (OSS)
開封 开封 Kāi fēng (N) Kaifeng (city in Henan)
開封地區 开封地区 Kāi fēng dì qū (N) Kaifeng district (district in Henan)
開封市 开封市 Kāi fēng shì Kaifeng
開工 开工 kāi gōng (v) begin factory operations; start a construction job
開關 开关 kāi guān power switch
開國元勛 开国元勋 kāi guó yuán xūn founding fathers (of a country)
開化 开化 kāi huà (v) have laws and culture; be civilized
開花兒 开花儿 kāi huār (of flowers) to open out; blossom
開會 开会 kāi huì have a meeting; be at a meeting; to hold or attend a meeting
開會祈禱 开会祈祷 kāi huì qí dǎo invocation
開火 开火 kāi huǒ to open fire
開江 开江 Kāi jiāng (N) Kaijiang (place in Sichuan)
開課 开课 kāi kè school begins; give a course; teach a subject
開墾 开垦 kāi kěn (v) put under the plough; clear a wild area for cultivation
開口 开口 kāi kǒu open one's mouth; start to talk
開闊 开阔 kāi kuò wide; open (of spaces)
開朗 开朗 kāi lǎng (adj) well lit; suddenly become bright and clear; (adj) carefree; without worry
開列 开列 kāi liè (make a) list
開魯 开鲁 Kāi lǔ (N) Kailu (place in Inner Mongolia)
開羅 开罗 Kāi luó Cairo (capital of Egypt)
開羅大學 开罗大学 Kāi luó Dà xué Cairo University
開曼群島 开曼群岛 Kāi màn Qún dǎo Cayman Islands
開門 开门 kāi mén open (the) door
開門見山 开门见山 kāi mén jiàn shān to get right to the point; to open the door and see the mountain
開明 开明 kāi míng enlightened; open-minded; enlightenment
開幕 开幕 kāi mù to open (a conference, e.g.); to inaugurate
開幕式 开幕式 kāi mù shì opening ceremony
開拍 开拍 kāi pāi begin shooting (a film)
開闢 开辟 kāi pì (v) open the flow of some stream; start; (v) build a road
開平 开平 Kāi píng (N) Kaiping (city in Guangdong)
開普敦 开普敦 Kāi pǔ dūn Cape Town (city in South Africa)
開普勒 开普勒 Kāi pǔ lè (Johannes) Kepler
開啟 开启 kāi qǐ (v) open
開槍 开枪 kāi qiāng fire a gun
開設 开设 kāi shè offer (goods or services); open (for business, etc.)
開始 开始 kāi shǐ begin; beginning; start; initial
開始以前 开始以前 kāi shǐ yǐ qián before the beginning (of sth)
開水 开水 kāi shuǐ boiled water; boiling water
開鎖 开锁 kāi suǒ unlock
開天闢地 开天辟地 kāi tiān pì dì (saying) when heaven and earth were split apart in the creation; the beginning of the world
開庭 开庭 kāi tíng begin a (judicial) court session
開通 开通 kāi tong open-minded
開頭 开头 kāi tóu beginning
開拓 开拓 kāi tuò (v) bring forth or open up
開拓者 开拓者 kāi tuò zhě pioneer
開玩笑 开玩笑 kāi wán xiào to play a joke; to make fun of; to joke
開縣 开县 Kāi xiàn (N) Kai county (county in Sichuan)
開銷 开销 kāi xiāo expenses
開小差 开小差 kāi xiǎo chāi AWOL, Absent With Out Leave; desert the military
開心 开心 kāi xīn to feel happy; to have a great time; to make fun of somebody
開心果 开心果 kāi xīn guǒ pistachio nuts
開心樂園餐 开心乐园餐 Kāi xīn lè yuán cān Happy Meal
開學 开学 kāi xué school opens; new term begins
開演 开演 kāi yǎn (of a play, movie, etc.) to begin
開眼 开眼 kāi yǎn (v) begin a performance or movie
開眼界 开眼界 kāi yǎn jiè broaden, expand one's horizons
開陽 开阳 Kāi yáng (N) Kaiyang (place in Guizhou)
開業 开业 kāi yè open (for business)
開夜車 开夜车 kāi yè chē burn the midnight oil; work late into the night
開原 开原 Kāi yuán (N) Kaiyuan (city in Liaoning)
開源宗教 开源宗教 kāi yuán zōng jiào open source religion
開遠 开远 Kāi yuǎn (N) Kaiyuan (city in Yunnan)
開齋節 开斋节 Kāi zhāi jié Eid ul-Fitr or Hari Raya (Muslim Day of Celebration - the latter name is commonly used in Malaysia and Indonesia)
開展 开展 kāi zhǎn (begin to) develop; unfold ; to start; to launch; to open
開戰 开战 kāi zhàn start a war
開張 开张 kāi zhāng open a business; first transaction of a business day
開支 开支 kāi zhī expenditures; pay; expenses

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