Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
shǒu head; chief; first (occasion); first (thing); measure word for poems
首創 首创 shǒu chuàng (v) originate; be the first to do
首次 shǒu cì for the first time
首次注視時間 首次注视时间 shǒu cì zhù shì shí jiān first fixation duration
首都 shǒu dū capital (city)
首都國際機場 首都国际机场 Shǒu dū Guó jì Jī cháng Beijing Capital International Airport
首都劇場 首都剧场 Shǒu dū Jù cháng the Capital Theater (in Beijing)
首爾 首尔 shǒu ěr Seoul (capital of South Korea)
首府 shǒu fǔ capital city of an autonomous region
首歌 shǒu gē song
首例 shǒu lì first case; first instance
首領 首领 shǒu lǐng (n) head boss; chief
首腦 首脑 shǒu nǎo head (of state); summit (meeting); leader
首腦會晤 首脑会晤 shǒu nǎo huì wù leadership meeting
首腦會議 首脑会议 shǒu nǎo huì yì leadership conference; summit meeting
首任 shǒu rèn first person to be appointed to a post
首日封 shǒu rì fēng first day of issue
首飾 首饰 shǒu shì jewelry
首尾音 shǒu wěi yīn onset and rime
首席 shǒu xí chief (representative, correspondent, etc)
首席大法官 shǒu xí dà fǎ guān Chief Justice (of US Supreme Court)
首席代表 shǒu xí dài biǎo chief representative
首席法官 shǒu xí fǎ guān Chief Justice
首席執行官 首席执行官 shǒu xí zhí xíng guān CEO, Chief Executive Officer
首先 shǒu xiān first (of all); in the first place
首相 shǒu xiàng (Japanese) prime minister
首要 shǒu yào (adj) the most important
首頁 首页 shǒu yè title page; first page; front page
首音 shǒu yīn onset
首映 shǒu yìng (n) first run; opening night; premiere; (vt) premiere
首長 首长 shǒu zhǎng senior official

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