Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
按下葫蘆浮起瓢 按下葫芦浮起瓢 àn xià piáo solve one problem only to find another cropping up
卑下 bēi xià base; low
筆底下 笔底下 xià ability to write
比上不足比下有余 shàng xià yǒu fall short of the best but be better than the worst; can pass muster
筆下 笔下 xià the wording and purport of what one writes
陛下 xià Your Majesty; His or Her Majesty
兵臨城下 兵临城下 bīng lín chéng xià the attacking army has reached the city gates; the city is under siege
不恥下問 不耻下问 chǐ xià wèn not feel ashamed to ask and learn from one's subordinates
部下 xià troops under one's command; subordinate
不下于 xià as many as; no less than; not inferior to; as good as; on a par with
不相上下 xiāng shàng xià equally matched; about the same
不在話下 不在话下 zài huà xià be nothing difficult; be a cinch
吃不下 chī bu xià not feel like eating; be unable to eat any more
垂下 chuí xià to hang down
低下 xià (adj) low status; lowly
滴下 xià drip
底下 xia (n) the location below sth; (n) afterwards
地下 xià underground; subterranean
地下核爆炸 xià bào zhà nuclear underground burst; underground nuclear explosion
地下核試驗 地下核试验 xià shì yàn underground nuclear test
地下室 xià shì basement; cellar
地下水 xià shuǐ groundwater
地下鐵路 地下铁路 xià tiě subway
丟下 丢下 diū xià (v) abandon
放射性落下灰 fàng shè xìng luò xià huī radioactive fallout
放下 fàng xia lay down; put down; let go; release
閣下 阁下 xià sire
甲龍下目 甲龙下目 Jiǎ lóng xià Ankylosauria
劍龍下目 剑龙下目 jiàn lóng xià stegosauria
降下 jiàng xià lower
浸一下 jìn xià dip
歷代志下 历代志下 dài zhì xià 2 Chronicles
列王紀下 列王纪下 liè wáng xià 2 Kings
零下 líng xià below zero
留下 liú xià remain
樓下 楼下 lóu xià downstairs
落下 luò xià fall
每況愈下 每况愈下 měi kuàng xià steadily deteriorate
木下亞由美 木下亚由美 xià yóu měi Ayumi Kinoshita
南下 nán xià southward
皮層下失語症 皮层下失语症 céng xià shī zhèng subcortical aphasia
皮下的 xià de subcutaneous
前部皮層下損傷 前部皮层下损伤 qián céng xià sǔn shāng anterior subcortical lesions
情況下 情况下 qíng kuàng xià under (these) circumstances
如下 xià as follows
撒母耳記下 撒母耳记下 ěr xià 2 Samuel
上氣不接下氣 上气不接下气 shàng jiē xià (phr) be out of breath
上下 shàng xià up and down; top and bottom; old and new
上下文 shàng xià wén (textual) context
上載和下載 上载和下载 shàng zài xià zài uploading and downloading
剩下 shèng xià to be left (over); to remain
手下 shǒu xià (n) leadership; under the control or administration of; subordinates; (v) take action; run out of money
屬下 属下 shǔ xià subordinate
水下核爆炸 shuǐ xià bào zhà nuclear underwater burst; underwater nuclear explosion
水下核試驗 水下核试验 shuǐ xià shì yàn underwater nuclear test
私下 xià in private
松下 sōng xià Matsushita (Japanese electronics company)
松下電器 松下电器 Sōng xià Diàn Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.
松下電氣工業 松下电气工业 sōng xià diàn gōng Matsushita Electronics Industry
塌下 xià collapse
天下 tiān xià land under heaven; rule; domination
蜥腳下目 蜥脚下目 jiǎo xià Sauropoda
xià under; second (of two parts); next (week, etc.); lower; below; underneath; down(wards); to decline; to go down; latter
下巴 xià ba chin
下班 xià bān to come or go or get off work
下半年 xià bàn nián last-half year
下半身 xià bàn shēn lower half of one's body
下邊 下边 xià biān (n) under
下標 下标 xià biāo subscript
下層 下层 xià céng (n) underlayer
下場 下场 xià chǎng (n) end; finish
下車 下车 xià chē (vi) dismount
下齒 下齿 xià chǐ bottom teeth
下垂 xià chuí sagging
下唇 xià chún lower lip
下達 下达 xià (v) transmit to lower level people
下跌 xià diē fall; tumble
下定義 下定义 xià dìng to define
下放 xià fàng (v) get transferred to a lower job position; demoted; (v) transfer a cadre to the factory or countryside to work
下飛機 下飞机 xià fēi (vi) deplane
下崗 下岗 xià gǎng laid-off
下個星期 下个星期 xiàxīng next week
下個月 下个月 xiàyuè next month
下工夫 xià gōng fu to put in time and energy; to concentrate one's efforts
下跪 xià guì kneel
下花園區 下花园区 Xià huā yuán (N) Xiahuayuan (area in Hebei)
下滑 xià huá sliding; slide
下畫線 下画线 xià huà xiàn underline
下級 下级 xià (n) low level group or people
下級勳位爵士 下级勋位爵士 Xià xūn wèi jué shì Knight Bachelor
下降 xià jiàng to decline; to drop; to fall; to go down; to decrease
下界 xià jiè lower bound
下決心 下决心 xià jué xīn determine; resolve
下課 下课 xià class is over
下列 xià liè following
下令 xià lìng give an order
下流 xià liú (adj) low-class; vulgar
下落 xià luò whereabouts
下落不明 xià luò míng unaccounted; unknown whereabouts
下馬 下马 xià dismount a horse
下面請看 下面请看 xià miàn qǐng kàn please see below
下面 xià mian below; next; the following; under; below
下去 xià qu go down (descend); go on (continue)
下手 xià shǒu start; put one's hand to; set about; the seat to the right of the main guest
下屬 下属 xià shǔ subordinate; underling
下水 xià shuǐ offal
下水道 xià shuǐ dào sewer
下榻 xià stay at (a hotel, etc. during a trip)
下台 xià tái (v) go off the stage; (v) fall from position of prestige
下臺 下台 xià tái step down (from office, etc.)
下午 xià afternoon; p.m.
下鄉 下乡 xià xiāng (v) go to the countryside
下星期 xià xīng next week
下雪 xià xuě snowing
下旬 xià xún last third of the month
下一次 xià next
下營鄉 下营乡 Xià yíng xiāng (N) Hsiaying (village in Taiwan)
下游 xià yóu lower reaches; backward position
下雨 xià rainy
下獄 下狱 xià imprison
下載 下载 xià zài to download
下葬 xià zàng bury; inter
下至上 xià zhì shàng bottom to top
下來 下来 xia lai (verb suffix indicating continuation, etc.)
鄉下 乡下 xiāng xià country (as opposed to town or city); rural
向下 xiàng xià down; downward
卸下 xiè xià unload
眼下 yǎn xià now; at present
葉下珠科 叶下珠科 xià zhū Phyllanthaceae
一下 xià (adj) one time; once; (adv) in a short time; suddenly; all at once
一下子 xià zi in a short while; all at once; all of a sudden
一下兒 一下儿 xiàr a little bit; a little while
以下 xià below; under; following
硬膜下血腫 硬膜下血肿 yìng xià xuè zhǒng subdural hematoma
硬腦膜下血腫 硬脑膜下血肿 yìng nǎo xià xuè zhǒng epidural hematoma
有兩下子 有两下子 yǒu liǎng xià zi have real skill; know one's stuff
有鱗下綱 有鳞下纲 Yǒu lín xià gāng Lepidosauromorpha
在大多數情況下 在大多数情况下 zài duō shù qíng kuàng xià in most instances
在地下 zài xià underground
在下 zài xià under
在下方 zài xià fāng beneath
在下面 zài xià miàn underneath
在﹍之下 zài zhī xià below
之下 zhī xià under; beneath; less than
蛛網膜下腔出血 蛛网膜下腔出血 zhū wǎng xià qiāng chū xuè subarachnoid hemorrhage
自上而下的加工 shàng ér xià de jiā gōng top-down processing
自下而上的加工 xià ér shàng de jiā gōng bottom-up processing
坐下 zuò xia sit down

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