Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
阿不來提.阿不都熱西提 阿不来提.阿不都热西提 Ā lái Ā dū rè Abdulaidi Amudurexiti (chairman of Xinjiang autonomous region)
愛不釋手 爱不释手 ài shì shǒu fondle admiringly
愛理不理 爱理不理 ài look cold and indifferent; be standoffish
按兵不動 按兵不动 àn bīng dòng not throw the troops into battle; bide one's time; take on action
巴不得 anxious; look forward to; earnestly wish for
八九不離十 八九不离十 jiǔ shí pretty close; very near; about right
百讀不厭 百读不厌 bǎi yàn be worth reading a hundred times
百思不解 bǎi jiě remain puzzled after pondering over sth; a hundred times; remain perplexed despite much thought
百聽不厭 百听不厌 bǎi tīng yàn worth hearing a hundred times
百聞不如一見 百闻不如一见 bǎi wén jiàn seeing for oneself is a hundred times better than hearing from others
百折不撓 百折不挠 bǎi zhé náo keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks; be undaunted by repeated setbacks; be indomitable
百足之蟲死而不僵 百足之虫死而不僵 bǎi zhī chóng ér jiāng a centipede dies but never falls down; old institutions die hard
扳不倒兒 扳不倒儿 bān dǎo er tumbler; roly-poly
保不住 bǎo zhù most likely; more likely than not; may well
抱不平 bào píng be outraged by an injustice
備而不用 备而不用 bèi ér yòng have something ready just in case; keep something for possible future use
比不上 shàng can't compare with
比上不足比下有余 shàng xià yǒu fall short of the best but be better than the worst; can pass muster
必不可少 shǎo absolutely necessary; indispensable; essential
必不可少組成 必不可少组成 shǎo chéng absolute necessity; sine qua non
兵不血刃 bīng xuè rèn the edges of the swords not being stained with blood - win victory without firing a shot
兵不厭詐 兵不厌诈 bīng yàn zhà there can never be too much deception in war; in war nothing is too deceitful; all's fair in war
冰炭不相容 bīng tàn xiāng róng as incompatible or irreconcilable as ice and hot coals
並不 并不 bìng not at all; emphatically not
並行不悖 并行不悖 bìng xíng bèi both can be implemented without coming into conflict; not be mutually exclusive; run parallel
不必要 yào needless; unnecessary
不大 not very; not too; not often
不當一回事 不当一回事 dàng huí shì not regard as a matter (of any importance)
不定詞 不定词 dìng infinitive
不克 cannot; to not be able (to); to be unable to
不客氣 不客气 you're welcome; impolite; rude; blunt; don't mention it
不列顛哥倫比亞省立法會 不列颠哥伦比亚省立法会 liè diān lún shěng huì Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
不列顛諸島 不列颠诸岛 liè diān zhū dǎo British Isles
不耐煩 不耐烦 nài fán impatience; impatient
不怕 fearless; do not fear; is not afraid of; is not damaged by (e.g.,a waterproof watch + water)
不是 shì (v) not be; (n) blame or fault
不是嗎 不是吗 shì ma isn't it
不幸的是 xìng de shì unfortunately
不易 not easy to do sth.; difficult
不住 zhù repeatedly; continuously; constantly
不自量 liàng not take a proper measure of oneself; overrate one's own abilities
不自在 zài uneasiness
(negative prefix); not; no
不安 ān unpeaceful; unstable; uneasy; disturbed; restless; worried
不白之冤 bái zhī yuān unrighted wrong; unredressed injustice
不敗之地 不败之地 bài zhī invincible position
不卑不亢 bēi kàng (saying) neither servile or overbearing
不備 不备 bèi unprepared; off guard
不比 unlike
不必 need not; does not have to
不避艱險 不避艰险 jiān xiǎn shrink or flinch from no difficulty or danger; make light of difficulties and dangers
不便 biàn inconvenient; inappropriate; unsuitable; short of cash
不變 不变 biàn unchanging; constant
不變化 不变化 biàn huà invariably
不變價格 不变价格 biàn jià fixed price; constant price
不辨菽麥 不辨菽麦 biàn shū mài be unable to tell beans from wheat - have no knowledge of practical matters
不變資本 不变资本 biàn běn constant capital
不測 不测 accident; mishap; contingency
不曾 céng never (have done sth)
不成 chéng won't do
不成功 chéng gōng unsuccessful
不承認主義 不承认主义 chéng rèn zhǔ policy of non-recognition
不誠實 不诚实 chéng shí dishonest
不成文法 chéng wén unwritten law
不逞之徒 chěng zhī desperado
不齒 不齿 chǐ despise; hold in contempt
不恥下問 不耻下问 chǐ xià wèn not feel ashamed to ask and learn from one's subordinates
不啻 chì not less than; as; like; as good as
不出所料 chū suǒ liào as expected
不揣冒昧 chuǎi mào mèi venture to; presume to; take the liberty of
不辭而別 不辞而别 ér bié leave without saying good-bye
不辭辛苦 不辞辛苦 xīn make nothing of hardships
不錯 不错 cuò correct; right; not bad; pretty good
不打不相識 不打不相识 xiāng shí from an exchange of blows friendship grows; no discord; no concord
不打自招 zhāo confess without being pressed; make a confession without duress
不大離兒 不大离儿 er pretty close; just about right; not bad
不帶電 不带电 dài diàn uncharged; electrically neutral
不待說 不待说 dài shuō needless to say; it goes without saying
不丹 dān Bhutan
不單 不单 dān not the only; not merely; not simply
不但 dàn not only (... but also...)
不當得利 不当得利 dāng unjust enrichment
不當 不当 dàng unsuitable; improper; inappropriate
不倒翁 dǎo wēng tumbler; roly-poly
不道德 dào immoral
不到黃河心不死 不到黄河心不死 dào huáng xīn not stop until one reaches the Huanghe River - not stop until one reaches one's goal; refuse to give up until all hope is gone
不得 must not; may not; not be allowed; cannot
不得不 have no choice or option but to; cannot but; have to; can't help it; can't avoid
不得而知 ér zhī unknown; unable to find out
不得勁 不得劲 jìn awkward; unhandy; be indisposed; not feel well
不得了 liǎo desperately serious; disastrous; extremely; exceedingly
不得人心 rén xīn not enjoy popular support; be unpopular
不得要領 不得要领 yào lǐng fail to grasp the main points
不得已 act against one's will; have no alternative but to; have to; to have no choice; must
不登大雅之堂 dēng zhī táng not appeal to refined taste; be unrefined; be unpresentable
不等 děng to vary; to differ; depending
不等邊三角形 不等边三角形 děng biān sān jiǎo xíng scalene triangle
不等號 不等号 děng hào sign of inequality
不等價交換 不等价交换 děng jià jiāo huàn exchange of unequal values
不等式 děng shì inequality
不抵抗主義 不抵抗主义 kàng zhǔ policy of nonresistance
不迭 dié cannot cope; find it too much; incessantly
不定 dìng indefinite; adventitious; indeterminate
不定期 dìng non-scheduled; irregularly
不懂 dǒng (n) incomprehension; (v) not understand
不動 不动 dòng motionless
不動產 不动产 dòng chǎn real estate; immovable property; immovables
不動點 不动点 dòng diǎn fixed point (of a map in math.)
不動點定理 不动点定理 dòng diǎn dìng (math.) fixed point theorem
不凍港 不冻港 dòng gǎng ice-free port; open port
不動聲色 不动声色 dòng shēng maintain one's composure; stay calm and collected; not turn a hair; not bat an eyelid
不動搖 不动摇 dòng yáo unmoved
不獨 不独 not only
不端 duān improper; dishonorable
不斷 不断 duàn unceasing; uninterrupted; continuous; constant
不對 不对 duì incorrect; wrong; amiss; abnormal; queer
不對碴兒 不对碴儿 duì chá er not proper; not fit for the occasion
不對勁 不对劲 duì jìn not in good condition
不二法門 不二法门 èr mén the one and only way; the only proper course to take
不乏 there is no lack of
不法 lawless; illegal; unlawful
不凡 fán out of the ordinary; out of the common run
不妨 fāng there is no harm in; might as well
不方便 fāng biàn inconvenience; inconvenient
不費吹灰之力 不费吹灰之力 fèi chuī huī zhī as easy as blowing off dust - not needing the slightest effort
不分 fēn irrespective
不分彼此 fēn make no distinction between what's one's own and what's another's; share everything; be on very intimate terms
不分青紅皂白 不分青红皂白 fēn qīng hóng zào bái indiscriminately
不分勝負 不分胜负 fēn shèng tie; draw; come out even
不分軒輊 不分轩轾 fēn xuān zhì well-matched; equally matched
不服 not accept (something); want to have (something) overruled or changed; refuse to obey or comply; refuse to accept as final; remain unconvinced by; not give in to
不符 inconsistent; not in agreement with; not agree or tally with; not conform to
不服水土 shuǐ (of a stranger) not accustomed to the climate of a new place; not acclimatized
不甘 gān unreconciled to; not resigned to; unwilling
不干不淨 不干不净 gān jìng unclean; filthy
不干涉 gān shè noninterference; nonintervention
不甘心 gān xīn not reconciled to; not resigned to
不敢當 不敢当 gǎn dāng (lit.) I dare not accept the honor; I don't deserve it (your praise)
不敢相信 gǎn xiāng xìn unbelievable
不敢越雷池一步 gǎn yuè léi chí dare not go one step beyond the prescribed limit
不公 gōng unjust; unfair
不恭 gōng disrespectful
不公平 gōng píng unfair
不公正 gōng zhèng injustice
不攻自破 gōng collapse of itself
不共戴天 gòng dài tiān will not live under the same sky (with one's enemy) - absolutely irreconcilable
不苟 gǒu not lax; not casual; careful; conscientious
不夠 不够 gòu not enough; insufficient; inadequate
不顧 不顾 in spite of; regardless of
不顧一切 不顾一切 qiē reckless
不管 guǎn no matter (what, how); regardless of; no matter
不光 guāng not the only one; not only
不規則 不规则 guī irregular
不軌 不轨 guǐ against the law or discipline
不過 不过 guò only; merely; no more than; but; however; only
不過爾爾 不过尔尔 guò ěr ěr merely mediocre; just middling
不過意 不过意 guò be sorry; feel apologetic
不寒而慄 不寒而栗 hán ér shiver all over though not cold; tremble with fear; shudder
不含糊 hán unambiguous; unequivocal; explicit; not ordinary; really good
不好 hǎo no good
不好惹 hǎo not to be trifled with; not to be pushed around; stand no nonsense
不好意思 hǎo si feel embarrassed; be ill at ease; find it embarrassing (to do sth)
不合 not conform to; be unsuited to; be out of keeping with; should not; ought out
不和 not get along well; be on bad terms; be at odds; discord
不合法 illegal
不合理 unreasonable
不合適 不合适 shì improper
不合作運動 不合作运动 zuò yùn dòng non-cooperation movement
不很 hěn not very
不懷好意 不怀好意 huái hǎo harbor evil designs; harbor malicious intentions
不歡而散 不欢而散 huān ér sàn part on bad terms; (of a meeting, etc.) break up in discord
不會 不会 huì improbable; unlikely; will not (act,happen,etc.); have not learned to; be unable to
不諱 不讳 huì without concealing anything; die
不羈 不羁 unruly; uninhibited
不及 not as good as; inferior to; find it too late
不即不離 不即不离 be neither too familiar nor too distant; keep sb at arm's length
不及格 fail
不吉利 ominous
不及物動詞 不及物动词 dòng intransitive verb
不急之務 不急之务 zhī a matter of no great urgency
不濟 不济 not good; of no use
不記名投票 不记名投票 míng tóu piào secret ballot
不計其數 不计其数 shù countless; innumerable
不濟事 不济事 shì no good; of no use; not of any help
不加思索 jiā suǒ without thinking; without hesitation; readily; offhand
不間斷電源 不间断电源 jiān duàn diàn yuán uninterruptible power supply
不簡單 不简单 jiǎn dān not simple; rather complicated; remarkable; marvelous
不見 不见 jiàn not see; not meet
不見得 不见得 jiàn de not necessarily; not likely
不見棺材不落淚 不见棺材不落泪 jiàn guān cái luò lèi not shed a tear until one sees the coffin - refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality
不見經傳 不见经传 jiàn jīng zhuàn not to be found in the classics - not authoritative; unknown
不見了 不见了 jiàn le disappear; be missing
不結果 不结果 jié guǒ fruitless
不結盟 不结盟 jié méng nonalignment
不結盟運動 不结盟运动 jié méng yùn dòng nonaligned movement
不解 jiě not understand; indissoluble
不禁 jīn can't help (doing sth); can't refrain from
不僅 不仅 jǐn not the only one; not only; not just
不近人情 jìn rén qíng not amenable to reason; unreasonable
不經一事不長一智 不经一事不长一智 jīng shì zhǎng zhì you can't gain knowledge without practice; wisdom comes from experience

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