Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
百端待舉 百端待举 bǎi duān dài a thousand things remain to be done; numerous tasks remain to be undertaken
並舉 并举 bìng develop simultaneously
不勝枚舉 不胜枚举 shèng méi too numerous to mention individually or one by one
不識抬舉 不识抬举 shí tái fail to appreciate sb's kindness; not know how to appreciate favors
大舉 大举 carry out a large-scale (military) operation
多黨選舉 多党选举 duō dǎng xuǎn multiparty election
檢舉 检举 jiǎn (v) reveal to higher authorities; inform against
間接選舉 间接选举 jiàn jiē xuǎn indirect election
to lift; to hold up; to cite; to enumerate; to act; to raise; to choose; to elect
舉辦 举办 bàn to conduct; to hold
舉動 举动 dòng act; (make) a move
舉薦 举荐 jiàn recommend (a person)
舉例 举例 to give an example
舉例來說 举例来说 lái shuō for example
舉起 举起 heave; lift; uphold
舉世聞名 举世闻名 shì wén míng (saying) world famous
舉世矚目 举世瞩目 shì zhǔ attract worldwide attention
舉行 举行 xíng to hold (a meeting, ceremony, etc.)
舉止 举止 zhǐ (n) comportment; demeanor; (vt) comport
舉重 举重 zhòng (the sport of) weightlifting
科舉 科举 imperial examination
列舉 列举 liè (make a) list; enumerate
輕而易舉 轻而易举 qīng ér easy; with no difficulty
輕舉妄動 轻举妄动 qīng wàng dòng (v) act rashly
推舉 推举 tuī elect; choose
香港足球明星選舉 香港足球明星选举 Xiāng Gǎng qiú míng xīng xuǎn Hong Kong Footballer Awards
選舉 选举 xuǎn to elect; election
選舉法庭 选举法庭 xuǎn tíng election court
選舉權 选举权 xuǎn quán suffrage
選舉人 选举人 xuǎn rén (n) chooser
選舉委員會 选举委员会 xuǎn wěi yuán huì election committee
一舉 一举 (n) move; an act; an action; (adv) with one move; at one stroke
一舉兩得 一举两得 liǎng de kill two birds with one stone
有選舉權 有选举权 yǒu xuǎn quán constituent
直接選舉 直接选举 zhí jiē xuǎn direct election
總統選舉 总统选举 zǒng tǒng xuǎn presidential election

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