Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
安以軒 安以轩 Ān xuān An Yixuan
半數以上 半数以上 bàn shù shàng more than half
半以上 bàn shàng more than half
不可以 may not
不以為然 不以为然 wéi rán object to; take exception to; not approve
不知其所以然 zhī suǒ rán (adj) not recognized for what it is
長期以來 长期以来 cháng lái ever since a long time ago
此時以前 此时以前 shí qián heretofore
從今以後 从今以后 cóng jīn hòu henceforth
代之以 dài zhī (has been) replaced with; (its) place has been taken by
但以理書 但以理书 dàn shū Book of Daniel
得以 (conj) so that one can...
多年以來 多年以来 duō nián lái for many years (in the past)
給以 给以 gěi give; grant
共享以太網絡 共享以太网络 gòng xiǎng tài wǎng luò shared Ethernet
何以 whence
加以 jiā in addition; [before a verb] handle, deal with
交換以太網絡 交换以太网络 jiāo huàn tài wǎng luò switched Ethernet
開始以前 开始以前 kāi shǐ qián before the beginning (of sth)
可以 can; may; possible; able to
快速以太網絡 快速以太网络 kuài tài wǎng luò Fast Ethernet
冷戰以後 冷战以后 lěng zhàn hòu post-Cold War
力足以做 zuò afford; able to
劉以達 刘以达 Liú Tats Lau
茅以升 Máo shēng Mao Yisheng
美國以外 美国以外 měi guó wài outside of the U.S.
難以 难以 nán hard to (predict, imagine, etc.)
難以應付 难以应付 nán yìng fu hard to deal with; hard to handle
難以置信 难以置信 nán zhì xìn incredible
年以來 年以来 nián lái since the year ...
全力以赴 quán do at all costs; make an all-out effort
撒哈拉以南非洲 nán fēi zhōu Sub-Saharan Africa
繩之以法 绳之以法 shéng zhī punish according to the law; bring to justice
十億位元以太網絡 十亿位元以太网络 shí wèi yuán tài wǎng luò Gigabit Ethernet
十億位元以太網絡聯盟 十亿位元以太网络联盟 shí wèi yuán tài wǎng luò lián méng Gigabit Ethernet Alliance
數以百計 数以百计 shù bǎi hundreds of
所以 suǒ therefore; as a result; so
習以為常 习以为常 wéi cháng be accustomed or used to
相濡以沫 xiāng give one's meager resources to help another in time of need; help each other when both are in humble circumstances
一小時以後 一小时以后 xiǎo shí hòu a short time later
to use; according to; so as to; in order to; by; with; because; Israel (abbrev.)
以便 biàn so that; so as to; in order to
以法蓮 以法莲 lián Ephraim (city)
以防萬一 以防万一 fáng wàn (phr) just in case
以弗所書 以弗所书 suǒ shū Ephesians
以後 以后 hòu after; later; afterwards; following; later on; in the future
以及 as well as; too; and
以軍 以军 jūn Israeli soldiers
以來 以来 lái since (a previous event)
以利亞敬 以利亚敬 jìng Elaikim (son of Abiud)
以利亞撒 以利亚撒 Eleazar (son of Eluid)
以律 Eluid (son of Achim)
以馬內利 以马内利 nèi Emanuel
以免 miǎn in order to avoid; so as not to
以內 以内 nèi within; less than
以前 qián before; formerly; previous
以撒 Isaac (son of Abraham)
以賽亞書 以赛亚书 sài shū Book of Isaiah
以色列 liè Israel
以色列工黨 以色列工党 liè Gōng dǎng Labor (Israel)
以色列人 liè rén Israelite; Israeli
以色列猶太大屠殺紀念館 以色列犹太大屠杀纪念馆 liè Yóu tài shā niàn guǎn Yad Vashem
以上 shàng more than; above; over; the above-mentioned
以身作則 以身作则 shēn zuò (saying) set a good example
以斯拉記 以斯拉记 Book of Ezra
以斯帖記 以斯帖记 tiě Book of Esther
以太 tài Ether-
以太網 以太网 tài wǎng Ethernet
以太網絡 以太网络 tài wǎng luò Ethernet
以太網絡端口 以太网络端口 tài wǎng luò duān kǒu Ethernet port
以太網絡幀 以太网络帧 tài wǎng luò zhèng Ethernet frame
以外 wài apart from; other than; except for; external; outside of
以往 wǎng in the past; formerly
以為 以为 wéi consider (that); believe
以西結書 以西结书 jié shū Book of Ezekiel
以下 xià below; under; following
以牙還牙 以牙还牙 huán a tooth for a tooth (retaliation)
以至 zhì down to; up to
以致 zhì to such an extent as to; down to; up to
以至于 zhì (conj) down to; up to; (conj) to the extent that...
用以 yòng in order to; so as to
有生以來 有生以来 yǒu shēng lái since birth; for one's whole life
有史以來 有史以来 yǒu shǐ lái since the beginning of history
予以 (v) bestow; give
足以 (adv) sufficient to...; so much so that; so that

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