Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
不首先使用 shǒu xiān shǐ yòng no first use
重複使力傷害 重复使力伤害 chóng shǐ shāng hài repetitive strain injury
促使 shǐ spur on; urge; to cause; to bring about
大使 shǐ an ambassador; an envoy
大使館 大使馆 shǐ guǎn embassy
大使級 大使级 shǐ ambassadorial
即使 shǐ even if; even though
假使 jiǎ shǐ suppose; given ...
教廷大使 jiào tíng shǐ Apostolic Nuncio - Ambassador of the Holy See (Vatican)
節度使 节度使 jié shǐ Jiedushi
迫使 shǐ force (someone to do something)
撲殺天使朵庫蘿 扑杀天使朵库萝 shā tiān shǐ duǒ luó Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan
驅使 驱使 shǐ (vt) motivate
使 shǐ to make; to cause; to enable; to use; to employ; messenger
使吃驚 使吃惊 shǐ chī jīng astonish; surprise
使得 shǐ de usable; workable; feasible; doable; to make; to cause
使耳聾 使耳聋 shǐ ěr lóng deafen
使煩惱 使烦恼 shǐ fán nǎo worry
使憤慨 使愤慨 shǐ fèn kǎi outrage
使憤怒 使愤怒 shǐ fèn provoke
使﹍豐富 使﹍丰富 shǐ fēng enrich
使高貴 使高贵 shǐ gāo guì dignify
使高興 使高兴 shǐ gāo xìng please; make happy; gratify; rejoice
使孤立 shǐ isolate
使固定 shǐdìng rivet; make firm
使館 使馆 shǐ guǎn consulate; diplomatic mission
使駭怕 使骇怕 shǐ hài frighten
使節 使节 shǐ jié (diplomatic) envoy
使勁 使劲 shǐ jìn exert all one's strength
使盡 使尽 shǐ jìn (v) exert all one's strength
使具體化 使具体化 shǐ huà embody
使困窘 shǐ kùn jiǒng embarrass
使困擾 使困扰 shǐ kùn rǎo harass
使領館 使领馆 shǐ lǐng guǎn embassy and consulate
使麻痺 使麻痹 shǐ paralyze
使滿意 使满意 shǐ mǎn to make content
使蔓延 shǐ màn yán to spread
使免除 shǐ miǎn chú get rid of
使命 shǐ mìng a (diplomatic or other) mission
使魔法 shǐ conjure
使﹍能夠 使﹍能够 shǐ néng gòu enable
使溺死 shǐ drown
使怒 shǐ exasperate
使膨脹 使膨胀 shǐ péng zhàng dilate; expand
使人信服 shǐ rén xìn convincing
使容易 shǐ róng facilitate
使生氣 使生气 shǐ shēng displease
使濕透 使湿透 shǐ shī tòu drench
使失望 shǐ shī wàng disappoint
使受傷 使受伤 shǐ shòu shāng hurt
使徒 shǐ apostle
使徒信心會 使徒信心会 Shǐ Xìn xīn huì Apostolic Faith Mission
使徒行傳 使徒行传 shǐ xíng zhuàn Acts of the Apostles
使習慣 使习惯 shǐ guàn accustom
使信服 shǐ xìn to convince
使興奮 使兴奋 shǐ xīng fèn exciting; to excite
使羞愧 shǐ xiū kuì abash
使厭煩 使厌烦 shǐ yàn fán disgust
使硬化 shǐ yìng huà harden
使用 shǐ yòng to use; to employ; to apply; to make use of
使用方便 shǐ yòng fāng biàn easy to use; convenient to use
使用量 shǐ yòng liàng volume of use; usage amount
使用者 shǐ yòng zhě user
使用者中介 shǐ yòng zhě zhōng jiè user agent
使娛樂 使娱乐 shǐ amuse
使者 shǐ zhě emissary; envoy
使轉向 使转向 shǐ zhuǎn xiàng divert
使醉 shǐ zuì intoxicate
使作嘔 使作呕 shǐ zuò ǒu sicken
特使 shǐ special envoy; special ambassador
天使 tiān shǐ angel
行使 xíng shǐ exercise (a right, etc.)
循環使用 循环使用 xún huán shǐ yòng recycle
致使 zhì shǐ cause; result in

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