Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
罷免 罢免 miǎn recall
被動免疫 被动免疫 bèi dòng miǎn passive immunity
避免 miǎn to avert; to prevent; to avoid; to refrain from
不可避免 miǎn unavoidably
不免 miǎn unavoidable
不免一死 miǎn mortal
放射免疫測定 放射免疫测定 fàng shè miǎn dìng radioimmunoassay
豁免 huò miǎn exempt
豁免權 豁免权 huò miǎn quán diplomatic immunity; immunity from prosecution
減免 减免 jiǎn miǎn to lower tax; to reduce duties
miǎn to exempt; to remove; to avoid; to excuse
免除 miǎn chú to prevent; to avoid
免得 miǎn de so as not to; so as to avoid
免費 免费 miǎn fèi free (of charge)
免費軟件 免费软件 miǎn fèi ruǎn jiàn freeware
免稅 免税 miǎn shuì tax-free
免疫 miǎn immunity (to disease)
免疫法 miǎn immunization
免疫力 miǎn immunity
免疫學 免疫学 miǎn xué immunology
免疫應答 免疫应答 miǎn yīng immune response
免職 免职 miǎn zhí degradation; depose
難免 难免 nán miǎn (adj) difficult to avoid or escape from
氣霧免疫 气雾免疫 miǎn aerosol immunization
人類免疫缺陷病毒 人类免疫缺陷病毒 rén lèi miǎn quē xiàn bìng human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
任免 rèn miǎn to appoint and dismiss
赦免 shè miǎn remit; pardon
使免除 shǐ miǎn chú get rid of
外交豁免權 外交豁免权 wài jiāo huò miǎn quán diplomatic immunity
未免 wèi miǎn (adv) truly; rather a bit too
幸免 xìng miǎn narrowly and luckily escape
以免 miǎn in order to avoid; so as not to
主動免疫 主动免疫 zhǔ dòng miǎn active immunity
自動免疫 自动免疫 dòng miǎn active immunity
自體免疫疾病 自体免疫疾病 miǎn bìng autoimmune disease

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