Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
保養 保养 bǎo yǎng take good care of (or conserve) one's health; keep in good repair
抱養 抱养 bào yǎng adopt (a child)
哺養 哺养 yǎng feed; rear
補養 补养 yǎng take a tonic or nourishing food to build up one's health
撫養 抚养 yǎng to foster; to bring up; to raise
撫養成人 抚养成人 yǎng chéng rén to bring up (a child)
教養 教养 jiào yǎng (n) upbringing; early conditioning; (v) bring up; nurture and train
勞動教養 劳动教养 láo dòng jiào yǎng reeducation through labor
療養 疗养 liáo yǎng (n) get well; heal; recuperate
培養 培养 péi yǎng to train; culture; to bring up; to groom (for a position)
培養基 培养基 péi yǎng culture medium
贍養 赡养 shàn yǎng support; provide support for; maintain
收養 收养 shōu yǎng adopt; adoption
飼養 饲养 yǎng to raise; to rear
飼養者 饲养者 yǎng zhě feeder
細胞培養 细胞培养 bāo péi yǎng cell culture
細胞培養器 细胞培养器 bāo péi yǎng cell cultivator
休養 休养 xiū yǎng (v) recover; recuperate
修養 修养 xiū yǎng accomplishment; training; self-cultivation
休養生息 休养生息 xiū yǎng shēng recuperate
yǎng give birth; keep (pets); to support; to bring sb. up; to raise (pig, etc.)
養成 养成 yǎng chéng form; acquire; cultivate
養兒防老 养儿防老 yǎng ér fáng lǎo (of parents) to bring up children for the purpose of being looked after in old age
養分 养分 yǎng fèn (n) nutrient
養父 养父 yǎng foster, adopted father
養活 养活 yǎng huo (v) raise animals; (v) feed and clothe
養雞場 养鸡场 yǎng chǎng chicken farm
養老 养老 yǎng lǎo provide for the elderly
養老保險 养老保险 yǎng lǎo bǎo xiǎn (n) old-age insurance
養老金 养老金 yǎng lǎo jīn pension
養老院 养老院 yǎng lǎo yuàn nursing home
養料 养料 yǎng liào nutriment; nourishment
養母 养母 yǎng foster, adopted mother
養育 养育 yǎng foster; rear
養殖 养殖 yǎng zhí cultivate; cultivation
養殖漁業 养殖渔业 yǎng zhí fish farming
飲食療養 饮食疗养 yǐn shí liáo yǎng diet
營養 营养 yíng yǎng nutrition; nourishment
營養不良 营养不良 yíng yǎng liáng (n) deficiency disease; dystrophy; malnutrition; undernourishment
營養繁殖 营养繁殖 yíng yǎng fán zhí vegetative reproduction
營養品 营养品 yíng yǎng pǐn nourishment
營養學 营养学 yíng yǎng xué nutrition
滋養 滋养 yǎng nourish

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