Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
彼得前書 彼得前书 qián shū 1 Peter
產前 产前 chǎn qián prenatal
車前燈 车前灯 chē qián dēng headlight
此前 qián before this; before then; previously
此時以前 此时以前 shí qián heretofore
從前 从前 cóng qián previously; formerly
大敵當前 大敌当前 dāng qián confront a powerful enemy
當前 当前 dāng qián current; today's; modern; present; to be facing (us)
到目前為止 到目前为止 dào qián wéi zhǐ until now; so far
鄂托克前旗 È tuō qián (N) Etuoke qianqi (place in Inner Mongolia)
哥林多前書 哥林多前书 lín duō qián shū 1 Corinthians
各奔前程 bēn qián chéng (saying) each person goes his own way, does his own thing
跟前 gēn qián front; in front (of)
公元前 gōng yuán qián before Christ; BC
經濟前途 经济前途 jīng qián economic future; economic outlook
開始以前 开始以前 kāi shǐ qián before the beginning (of sth)
空前 kōng qián unprecedented
面前 miàn qián in front of; facing; presence
目前 qián at the present time; currently
目前還不清楚 目前还不清楚 qián hái qīng chǔ at present it is still unclear ....
目前世界 qián shì jiè modern world
年前 nián qián ...years ago
qián before; in front; ago; former; previous; earlier; front
前輩 前辈 qián bèi senior; older generation
前邊 前边 qián biān (n) the area in front of sth
前不久 qián jiǔ not long before
前部皮層下損傷 前部皮层下损伤 qián céng xià sǔn shāng anterior subcortical lesions
前程 qián chéng future (career, etc) prospects
前詞典語音加工 前词典语音加工 qián diǎn yīn jiā gōng prelexical phonology
前詞彙加工 前词汇加工 qián huì jiā gōng pre-lexical access
前詞彙階段 前词汇阶段 qián huì jiē duàn pre-lexical stage
前詞彙語音加工 前词汇语音加工 qián huì yīn jiā gōng pre-lexical phonological processing
前額 前额 qián è forehead
前方 qián fāng ahead; the front
前鋒 前锋 qián fēng tackle (football move)
前赴後繼 前赴后继 qián hòu (saying) advance in waves of people
前後 前后 qián hòu around; about; from beginning to end
前件 qián jiàn antecedent (logic)
前金區 前金区 Qián jīn (N) Chienchin (area in Taiwan)
前進 前进 qián jìn to go forward; to forge ahead; to advance; onward
前景 qián jǐng foreground; vista; (future) prospects; perspective
前列 qián liè (n) the very front
前列腺 qián liè xiàn prostate
前列腺素 qián liè xiàn prostaglandin
前列腺炎 qián liè xiàn yán prostatitis
前面 qián mian fore; front
前年 qián nián the year before last
前妻 qián ex-wife
前期 qián (n) the time period preceeding some other time
前秦 Qián Qín Former Qin
前驅症狀 前驱症状 qián zhèng zhuàng prodrome
前人 qián rén (n) ancestors
前任 qián rèn predecessor; ex-; former
前日 qián day before yesterday
前生 qián shēng pre-existence
前生召喚 前生召唤 qián shēng zhào huàn foreordination
前蘇聯 前苏联 qián lián former Soviet Union
前所未有 qián suǒ wèi yǒu unprecedented
前台 qián tái forestage
前提 qián premise
前提條件 前提条件 qián tiáo jiàn pre-conditions
前天 qián tiān the day before yesterday
前田慶次 前田庆次 Qián tián qìng Maeda Keiji
前頭 前头 qián tou in front; at the head; ahead; above
前途 qián prospects; outlook (for the future); future
前往 qián wǎng leave for; proceed towards; to go
前衛 前卫 qián wèi (n) advance guard
前衛湖北警官學院足球俱樂部 前卫湖北警官学院足球俱乐部 Qián wèi běi jǐng guān Xué yuàn qiú Vanguard Hubei Police Academy FC
前夕 qián eve; the day before
前線 前线 qián xiàn (n) military front line; edge of a construction site
前向擁塞通知 前向拥塞通知 qián xiàng yōng sāi tōng zhī Forward Explicit Congestion Notification; FECN
前言 qián yán preface; forward; introduction
前仰后合 qián yǎng hòu to sway to and fro; to rock back and forth
前者 qián zhě the former
前鎮區 前镇区 Qián zhèn (N) Chienchen (area in Taiwan)
前肢 qián zhī forelimb; foreleg
前綴 前缀 qián zhuì prefix (linguistics)
前奏 qián zòu prelude; presage
日前 qián the other day; a few days ago
蠕動前進 蠕动前进 dòng qián jìn wriggle
上前 shàng qián (v) go forward
生前 shēng qián (n) period of time during one's life; while living
稅前 税前 shuì qián pre-tax; before taxes
思前想后 qián xiǎng hòu (saying) to consider over and over again
四年前 nián qián four years previously
台前 Tái qián (N) Taiqian (place in Henan)
提摩太前書 提摩太前书 tài qián shū 1 Timothy
提前 qián to shift to an earlier date; to bring forward; to advance
提前起爆 qián bào "fizzle" (atomic bomb misfire); preinitiation
提前投票 qián tóu piào early vote
帖撒羅尼迦前書 帖撒罗尼迦前书 tiě luó jiā qián shū 1 Thessalonians
頭向前 头向前 tóu xiàng qián headlong
烏拉特前旗 乌拉特前旗 qián (N) Wulate qianqi (place in Inner Mongolia)
先前 xiān qián before; previously
向前 xiàng qián forward; onward
眼前 yǎn qián now; present
以前 qián before; formerly; previous
議事亭前地 议事亭前地 shì tíng qián Senado Square
在此之前 zài zhī qián before that; beforehand; previously
在前 zài qián forward
在眼前 zài yǎn qián now; at the present
之前 zhī qián before; prior to; ago
只不過幾年前 只不过几年前 zhǐ guò nián qián only a few years ago; just a few years ago

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