Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
bàn to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
辦案 办案 bàn àn to handle a case
辦報 办报 bàn bào to run a newspaper
辦到 办到 bàn dào to accomplish; to get sth done
辦法 办法 bàn means; method; way (to do something)
辦公 办公 bàn gōng handle official business; work (usually in an office)
辦公室 办公室 bàn gōng shì office
辦公廳 办公厅 bàn gōng tīng general office
辦公自動化 办公自动化 bàn gōng dòng huà office automation
辦理 办理 bàn to handle; to transact; to conduct
辦事 办事 bàn shì to handle (affairs); to work
辦事處 办事处 bàn shì chù office; agency
辦學 办学 bàn xué to run a school
辦罪 办罪 bàn zuì to punish
幫辦 帮办 bāng bàn assist in managing; deputy
包辦 包办 bāo bàn take care of everything concerning a job; run the whole show
包辦婚姻 包办婚姻 bāo bàn hūn yīn arranged marriage
採辦 采办 cǎi bàn buy on a considerable scale; purchase
承辦 承办 chéng bàn (v) undertake; accept an assignment
創辦 创办 chuàng bàn launch
創辦人 创办人 chuàng bàn rén founder (of an institution, etc)
代辦 代办 dài bàn be an agent; act for someone else; diplomatic representative; charge d'affaires
國務院台灣事務辦公室 国务院台湾事务办公室 Guó yuàn Tái wān Shì Bàn gōng shì Taiwan Affairs Office
究辦 究办 jiū bàn to investigate and deal with
舉辦 举办 bàn to conduct; to hold
開辦 开办 kāi bàn open; start (a business, etc.); set up
聯合國難民事務高級專員辦事處 联合国难民事务高级专员办事处 Lián guó Nàn mín Shì Gāo Zhuān yuán Bàn shì chù Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
橢圓形辦公室 椭圆形办公室 Tuǒ yuán xíng Bàn gōng shì Oval Office
無紙化辦公 无纸化办公 zhǐ huà bàn gōng paperless office
協辦 协办 xié bàn assist; help somebody do something; cooperate in doing something
興辦 兴办 xīng bàn (v) begin; set in motion
怎麼辦 怎么办 zěn me bàn what's to be done
主辦 主办 zhǔ bàn host (a conference or sports event)

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