Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
八千 qiān eight thousand; 8000
百孔千瘡 百孔千疮 bǎi kǒng qiān chuāng riddled with gaping wounds; afflicted with all ills
不遠千里 不远千里 yuǎn qiān make light of traveling a thousand li; go to the trouble of traveling a long distance
成千上萬 成千上万 chéng qiān shàng wàn by the thousands and tens of thousands
盪鞦千 盪秋千 dàng qiū qiān swing (in a swing)
橫掃千軍 横扫千军 héng sǎo qiān jūn total annihilation
幾千 几千 qiān several thousand
老驥伏櫪志在千里 老骥伏枥志在千里 lǎo zhì zài qiān (lit.) an old steed in the stable still aspires to gallop 1000 li; (fig.) old people may still cherish high aspirations
兩千 两千 liǎng qiān two thousand
兩千六百一十六 两千六百一十六 liǎng qiān liù bǎi shí liù 2816
兩千年 两千年 liǎng qiān nián the year 2000; 2000 years
qiān thousand
qiān a swing
千差萬別 千差万别 qiān chā wàn bié manifold diversity
千島湖 千岛湖 Qiān dǎo Qiandao Lake
千島群島 千岛群岛 qiān dǎo qún dǎo Kuril islands
千噸 千吨 qiān dūn kiloton
千噸級核武器 千吨级核武器 qiān dūn kiloton weapon
千方百計 千方百计 qiān fāng bǎi by every possible means
千赫茲 千赫兹 qiān kilohertz; kHz
千家萬戶 千家万户 qiān jiā wàn (saying) every family
千軍萬馬 千军万马 qiān jūn wàn (saying) a strong army with thousands of horses; large number of people
千卡 qiān (n) kilo-calorie
千克 qiān kilogram
千裡眼 千里眼 qiān yǎn clairvoyance
千米 qiān kilometer
千年 qiān nián millennium
千絲萬縷 千丝万缕 qiān wàn linked in countless ways
千瓦 qiān (meas) kilowatt
千萬 千万 qiān wàn ten million; very many; countless; make sure to
千位元 qiān wèi yuán kilobit
千禧年 qiān nián Millennium
千陽 千阳 Qiān yáng (N) Qianyang (place in Shaanxi)
千葉 千叶 Qiān Chiba
千葉縣 千叶县 Qiān xiàn Chiba Prefecture
千周 qiān zhōu kilohertz; kHz
千字節 千字节 qiān jié kilobyte
鞦千 秋千 qiū qiān a swing
三千到五千萬 三千到五千万 sān qiān dào qiān wàn 30 to 50 million
三千五百 sān qiān bǎi 3 500
三萬七千 三万七千 sān wàn qiān 37 thousand
四千 qiān four thousand; 4 000
萬水千山 万水千山 wàn shuǐ qiān shān (saying) the trails and tribulations of a long journey
味千拉麵 味千拉面 Wèi qiān miàn Ajisen Ramen
五千噸 五千吨 qiān dūn 5000 tons
一千 qiān one thousand
一千噸 一千吨 qiān dūn 1000 tons
一千零五十億 一千零五十亿 qiān líng shí 105 billion
一千零一夜 qiān líng The Book of One Thousand and One Nights
一千七百萬 一千七百万 qiān bǎi wàn seventeen million
一千四百二十九 qiān bǎi èr shí jiǔ 1429
一擲千金 一掷千金 zhì qiān jīn Deal or No Deal
張大千 张大千 Zhāng qiān Zhang Daqian
縱橫二千 纵横二千 Zòng héng èr qiān G2000

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