Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
biàn to change; to become different; to transform; to vary; rebellion
變暗 变暗 biàn àn darken
變本加厲 变本加厉 biàn běn jiā become aggravated; be further intensified
變成 变成 biàn chéng to change into; to turn into; to become
變醜 变丑 biàn chǒu disfigure
變得 变得 biàn de become; change into
變電站 变电站 biàn diàn zhàn (transformer) substation
變調 变调 biàn diào modified tone; tonal modification
變動 变动 biàn dòng change; alteration
變法 变法 biàn political reform
變法兒 变法儿 biàn er try different ways
變分法 变分法 biàn fēn calculus of variations
變分原理 变分原理 biàn fēn yuán variational principle (math. phys.)
變革 变革 biàn transform; change
變更 变更 biàn gēng change; alter; modify
變工 变工 biàn gōng exchange work
變故 变故 biàn an unforeseen event; accident; misfortune
變黑 变黑 biàn hēi darken
變紅 变红 biàn hóng redden
變厚 变厚 biàn hòu thicken
變化 变化 biàn huà change; vary
變幻 变幻 biàn huàn change irregularly; fluctuate
變換 变换 biàn huàn vary; alternate; to convert
變換設備 变换设备 biàn huàn shè bèi converter; conversion device
變價 变价 biàn jià appraise at the current rate
變焦距鏡頭 变焦距镜头 biàn jiāo jìng tóu zoom lens
變節 变节 biàn jié make a political recantation; turn one's coat
變臉 变脸 biàn liǎn suddenly turn hostile
變量 变量 biàn liàng variable
變流器 变流器 biàn liú converter
變亂 变乱 biàn luàn turmoil; social upheaval
變賣 变卖 biàn mài sell off (one's property)
變暖 变暖 biàn nuǎn warming; changing to become warmer
變頻 变频 biàn pín frequency conversion
變遷 变迁 biàn qiān changes; vicissitudes
變軟 变软 biàn ruǎn soften
變色 变色 biàn change color; discolor; change countenance; become angry
變色龍 变色龙 biàn lóng chameleon
變數 变数 biàn shù variable
變速 变速 biàn speed change; gear shift
變態 变态 biàn tài metamorphosis; abnormal; anomalous
變體 变体 biàn variant
變天 变天 biàn tiān change of weather; restoration of reactionary rule
變通 变通 biàn tōng be flexible; accommodate something to circumstances
變溫層 变温层 biàn wēn céng troposphere; lower atmosphere
變溫動物 变温动物 biàn wēn dòng poikilothermal (cold-blooded) animal
變文 变文 biàn wén a popular form of narrative literature flourishing in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) with alternate prose and rhymed parts for recitation and singing (often on Buddhist themes)
變戲法 变戏法 biàn perform conjuring tricks; conjure; juggle
變相 变相 biàn xiàng in disguised form; covert
變心 变心 biàn xīn cease to be faithful
變星 变星 biàn xīng variable star
變形 变形 biàn xíng be out of shape; become deformed; to morph
變形蟲 变形虫 biàn xíng chóng amoeba
變性 变性 biàn xìng denaturation
變修 变修 biàn xiū become revisionist
變壓器 变压器 biàn transformer
變異 变异 biàn variation
變硬 变硬 biàn yìng stiffen
變質 变质 biàn zhì go bad; deteriorate; metamorphism
變質岩 变质岩 biàn zhì yán metamorphic rock (geol.)
變質作用 变质作用 biàn zhì zuò yòng metamorphism (geol.)
變種 变种 biàn zhǒng mutation; variety; variant
變奏 变奏 biàn zòu variation
變奏曲 变奏曲 biàn zòu variation (music)
變阻器 变阻器 biàn theostat
兵變 兵变 bīng biàn mutiny
病變 病变 bìng biàn pathological changes
不變 不变 biàn unchanging; constant
不變化 不变化 biàn huà invariably
不變價格 不变价格 biàn jià fixed price; constant price
不變資本 不变资本 biàn běn constant capital
衰變 衰变 cuī biàn radioactive decay
錯義突變 错义突变 cuò biàn missense mutation
電致變色 电致变色 diàn zhì biàn electrochromism
調變 调变 diào biàn to modulate
多變 多变 duō biàn fickle
放射性衰變 放射性衰变 fàng shè xìng shuāi biàn radioactive decay
複變 复变 biàn (math.) complex variable
複變函數 复变函数 biàn hán shù (math.) function of a complex variable
複變函數論 复变函数论 biàn hán shù lùn (math.) theory of functions of a complex variable
改變 改变 gǎi biàn to change; to alter; to transform
改變形像 改变形像 gǎi biàn xíng xiàng transfiguration
光速可變理論 光速可变理论 guāng biàn lùn variable speed of light
核變形 核变形 biàn xíng nuclear deformation
核聚變 核聚变 biàn fusion; nuclear fusion
核裂變 核裂变 liè biàn atomic fission; nuclear fission; fission
核轉變 核转变 zhuǎn biàn nuclear transformation; nuclear transmutation
皇家印度海軍兵變 皇家印度海军兵变 Huáng jiā Yìn hǎi jūn bīng biàn The Royal Indian Navy Mutiny
黃巾民變 黄巾民变 Huáng jīn mín biàn Yellow Turban Rebellion
會變 会变 huì biàn variable
吉他變調夾 吉他变调夹 biàn diào jiā capo
漸變 渐变 jiàn biàn gradual change
緊急應變 紧急应变 jǐn yīng biàn emergency management
劇變 剧变 biàn (n) swingover
聚變 聚变 biàn (nuclear) fusion
聚變反應 聚变反应 biàn fǎn yìng nuclear fusion
聚變武器 聚变武器 biàn fusion-type weapon
均變論 均变论 jūn biàn lùn uniformitarianism
可變 可变 biàn (adj) variable
可裂變材料 可裂变材料 liè biàn cái liào fissile material
離子變色 离子变色 biàn ionochromism
聯合國氣候變化框架公約 联合国气候变化框架公约 Lián guó hòu Biàn huà Kuàng jià Gōng yuē United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
連續變調 连续变调 lián biàn diào tone sandhi
鏈式裂變反應 链式裂变反应 liàn shì liè biàn fǎn yìng chain reaction of nuclear fission
量變 量变 liàng biàn quantitative change
裂變材料 裂变材料 liè biàn cái liào fissionable material
裂變產物 裂变产物 liè biàn chǎn fission products
裂變碎片 裂变碎片 liè biàn suì piàn fission fragment
裂變同位素 裂变同位素 liè biàn tóng wèi fissile isotope
裂變武器 裂变武器 liè biàn fission weapon
裂變炸彈 裂变炸弹 liè biàn zhà dàn fission bomb
沒大改變 没大改变 méi gǎi biàn not significantly changed
摩擦變色 摩擦变色 biàn tribochromism
叛變 叛变 pàn biàn renegade; traitor; to betray one's country
叛變的省份 叛变的省份 pàn biàn de shěng fèn renegade province (term PRC uses for Taiwan)
氣候變化 气候变化 hòu biàn huà climate change
全球變暖 全球变暖 quán qiú biàn nuǎn global warming
全球氣候變暖 全球气候变暖 quán qiú hòu biàn nuǎn global warming
熱核聚變反應 热核聚变反应 biàn fǎn yìng thermonuclear fusion reaction
嬗變 嬗变 shàn biàn transmutation
實變 实变 shí biàn (math.) real variable
實變函數 实变函数 shí biàn hán shù (math.) function of a real variable
實變函數論 实变函数论 shí biàn hán shù lùn (math.) theory of functions of a real variable
事變 事变 shì biàn (n) unforseen event; incident
衰變鏈 衰变链 shuāi biàn liàn decay chain
衰變曲線 衰变曲线 shuāi biàn xiàn decay curves
衰變熱 衰变热 shuāi biàn decay heat
同治陝甘回變 同治陕甘回变 Tóng zhì Shǎn gān huí biàn Dungan revolt
突變 突变 biàn sudden change; mutation
突變理論 突变理论 biàn lùn (math.) catastrophe theory
皖南事變 皖南事变 wǎn nán shì biàn New Fourth Army Incident
無段自動變速箱 无段自动变速箱 duàn dòng biàn xiāng continuously variable transmission
戊戌變法 戊戌变法 biàn Hundred Days' Reform
西安事變 西安事变 ān shì biàn Xi'an Incident
玄武門之變 玄武门之变 Xuán mén zhī biàn Incident at Xuanwu Gate
壓致變色 压致变色 zhì biàn piezochromism
演變 演变 yǎn biàn to develop; to evolve
衍變 衍变 yǎn biàn to develop; to evolve
因變量和自變量 因变量和自变量 yīn biàn liàng biàn liàng dependent and independent variables
應變 应变 yìng biàn to meet a contingency; to adapt oneself to changes
誘變劑 诱变剂 yòu biàn mutagen
政變 政变 zhèng biàn coup d'etat
政府間氣候變化專門委員會 政府间气候变化专门委员会 Zhèng jiān hòu Biàn huà Zhuān mén Wěi yuán huì Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
質變 质变 zhì biàn (n) fundamental change
置換突變 置换突变 zhì huàn biàn missense mutation
轉變 转变 zhuǎn biàn change; transform

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