Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
半保留複製 半保留复制 bàn bǎo liú zhì semiconservative replication
半復賽 半复赛 bàn sài eighth finals
報復 报复 bào make reprisals; retaliate; revenge; retaliation
丙酮酸去氫酶複合物 丙酮酸去氢酶复合物 bǐng tóng suān qīng méi pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
重複 重复 chóng to repeat; to duplicate
重複測量 重复测量 chóng liáng repeated measure(s)
重複節 重复节 chóng jié repeated segment (networking)
重複啟動效應 重复启动效应 chóng dòng xiào yìng repetition priming effect
重複使力傷害 重复使力伤害 chóng shǐ shāng hài repetitive strain injury
重複語境 重复语境 chóng jìng duplicate context
答復 答复 answer; reply
多層復 多层复 duō céng (math.) many-sheeted cover
繁複 繁复 fán complicated
反復 反复 fǎn repeatedly; over and over
非詞重復測驗 非词重复测验 fēi chóng yàn nonword repetition test
again; recover; reply to a letter; to repeat; to duplicate
複本 复本 běn copy
復辟 复辟 (v) recovers one's power or authority
複變 复变 biàn (math.) complex variable
複變函數 复变函数 biàn hán shù (math.) function of a complex variable
複變函數論 复变函数论 biàn hán shù lùn (math.) theory of functions of a complex variable
復層噬菌體科 复层噬菌体科 céng shì jūn Tectivirus
復查 复查 chá rechecking; re-inspection; reexamination
復仇 复仇 chóu avenge; vengeance
復旦大學 复旦大学 dàn xué Fudan University
復發 复发 (n) reappearance; (vi) reappear
復分解反應 复分解反应 fēn jiě fǎn yìng metathesis (chemistry)
複果 复果 guǒ compound fruit; multiple fruit
複合 复合 complex; compound
復合材料 复合材料 cái liào composite material
複合詞素詞 复合词素词 polymorphemic
復會 复会 huì resume a meeting
復活 复活 huó resurrection
復活節 复活节 huó jié Easter
復健 复健 jiàn rehabilitation; recuperate
復利 复利 compound interest
復審 复审 shěn reexamine (a judicial case)
復述 复述 shù repeat; retell
複數 复数 shù plural; (math.) complex number
複數平面 复数平面 shù píng miàn (math.) the complex plane; (math.) Argand plane
復甦 复苏 recovery (health, economic)
復習 复习 to revise; to review
複寫紙 复写纸 xiě zhǐ carbon paper
復興 复兴 xīng restore
復興黨 复兴党 xīng dǎng Baath Party
復興鄉 复兴乡 xīng xiāng (N) Fuhsing (village in Taiwan)
復學 复学 xué (v) resume one's interrupted studies
複眼 复眼 yǎn compound eye
複印 复印 yìn (v) make a photocopy; duplicate document
復印機 复印机 yìn photocopying
復元 复元 yuán recovery
復原 复原 yuán heal; recovery; restitution; reconstruction
複韻母 复韵母 yùn compound final
複雜 复杂 complicated; complex
復雜化 复杂化 huà complicate; complicating
複雜系統 复杂系统 tǒng complex system
複雜性 复杂性 xìng complexity
複製 复制 zhì to duplicate; to reproduce; to make a copy of; to copy
複製品 复制品 zhì pǐn reproduction
光復鄉 光复乡 Guāng xiāng (N) Kuangfu (village in Taiwan)
恢復 恢复 huī to reinstate; to resume; to restore; to recover; to regain
恢復原狀 恢复原状 huī yuán zhuàng restore
回復 回复 huí "Re:"; in reply to (email); return (to some condition)
回復青春 回复青春 huí qīng chūn rejuvenation
回復青春研究 回复青春研究 huí qīng chūn yán jiū rejuvenation research
康復 康复 kāng (vi) convalesce; recover (health)
李開復 李开复 Kāi Kai-Fu Lee
排序複選制 排序复选制 pái xuǎn zhì instant-runoff voting
收復 收复 shōu recover (lost territory, etc.); recapture
收復街道運動 收复街道运动 Shōu jiē dào Yùn dòng Reclaim the Streets
收復失地運動 收复失地运动 shōu shī Yùn dòng reconquista
雙復磷 双复磷 shuāng lín obidoxime chloride; toxogonin
往復 往复 wǎng to reciprocate
文藝復興 文艺复兴 Wén xīng Renaissance
修復 修复 xiū restoration
嚴復 严复 Yán Yan Fu (Chinese scholar)
自動恢復 自动恢复 dòng huī spontaneous recovery

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