Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
愛好 爱好 ài hào to like; to be fond of; to be keen on; interest; hobby
愛好者 爱好者 ài hào zhě lover (of art, sports, etc); amateur; enthusiast; fan
安好 ān hǎo safe and sound; well
不好 hǎo no good
不好惹 hǎo not to be trifled with; not to be pushed around; stand no nonsense
不好意思 hǎo si feel embarrassed; be ill at ease; find it embarrassing (to do sth)
不懷好意 不怀好意 huái hǎo harbor evil designs; harbor malicious intentions
不知好歹 zhī hǎo dǎi not know what's good for one
剛好 刚好 gāng hǎo just; exactly; happen to be
更好 gèng hǎo better; more
掛好 挂好 guà hǎo to hang up properly (telephone, picture, clothes, etc.)
還好 还好 hái hǎo (adv) not bad
hǎo good; well
好半天 hǎo bàn tiān (n) most of the day
好比 hǎo be just like; can be compared to
好吃 hǎo chī tasty; delicious
好處 好处 hǎo chu benefit; advantage
好的 hǎo de (adj) OK
好多 hǎo duō (adj) many
好感 hǎo gǎn good opinion; favorable impression
好好 hǎo hǎo nicely
好好兒地 好好儿地 hǎo haōr de properly; thoroughly
好壞 好坏 hǎo huài (n) good and bad; advantageous and disadvantageous
好幾 好几 hǎo several; quite a few
好幾年 好几年 hǎo nián several years
好久 hǎo jiǔ quite a while
好看 hǎo kàn good-looking
好萊塢 好莱坞 hǎo lái Hollywood
好怕的 hǎo de worthy of being afraid of
好朋友 hǎo péng you good friend
好容易 hǎo róng with great difficulty; have a hard time
好事 hǎo shì (n) bad action, deed (used ironically)
好睡 hǎo shuì good night
好說 好说 hǎo shuō (idiom) OK, term used to indicate agreement; (idiom) "you flatter me", polite response to praise
好似 hǎo to seem; to be like
好聽 好听 hǎo tīng pleasant to hear
好玩兒 好玩儿 hǎo wán er (adj) interesting; delightful
好望角 Hǎo wàng Jiǎo Cape of Good Hope
好像 hǎo xiàng (v) as if; seem like
好象 hǎo xiàng seem; be like
好笑 hǎo xiào laughable; funny; ridiculous
好些 hǎo xiē a good deal of; quite a lot
好心 hǎo xīn (n) good motive
好樣的 好样的 hǎo yàng de (idiom) a good person, used to praise sb's moral integrity or courage
好運 好运 hǎo yùn good luck
好在 hǎo zài (adv) luckily; fortunately
好轉 好转 hǎo zhuǎn improve; take a turn for the better
hào be fond of
好客 hào (adj) to enjoy having guests; hospitable; friendly
好奇 hào curious; inquisitive
好奇心 hào xīn curiosity
好氧 hào yǎng aerobic
好戰 好战 hào zhàn warlike
和好 hǎo to become reconciled
很好 hěn hǎo well
很好看 hěn hǎo kàn very good looking
極好 极好 hǎo fabulous; superb
叫好 jiào hǎo applaud; cheer
較好 较好 jiào hǎo better
良好 liáng hǎo good; favorable; well; fine
買好 买好 mǎi hǎo to ingratiate oneself
美好 měi hǎo happy; fine; OK
你好 hǎo hello; how are you
恰到好處 恰到好处 qià dào hǎo chù it's just perfect; it's just right
恰好 qià hǎo as it turns out; by lucky coincidence
嗜好 shì hào fondness; hobby; indulgence
太好了 tài hǎo le very good
挺好 tǐng hǎo very good
完好 wán hǎo intact; in good condition
問好 问好 wèn hǎo say hello to; send one's regards to
心眼好 xīn yǎn hǎo well-intentioned; good-natured; kind-hearted
幸好 xìng hǎo fortunately
要好 yào hǎo be on good terms; be close friends
友好 yǒu hǎo friendly (relations)
有好奇心 yǒu hào xīn curious
再好不過 再好不过 zài hǎo guò (phr) can't be better
早上好 zǎo shang hǎo good morning
正好 zhèng hǎo just (in time); just right; just enough; to happen to; to chance to; by chance; it just so happens that
只好 zhǐ hǎo to have to; to be forced to
最好 zuì hǎo best; (you) had better (do what we suggest)
坐好 zuò hǎo to sit properly; to sit up straight

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