Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
阿伏伽德羅定律 阿伏伽德罗定律 Ā jiā luó dìng Avogadro's law
安定 ān dìng stable; quiet; settled; stabilize; maintain; stabilized; calm and orderly
安定化 ān dìng huà stabilization
安定鄉 安定乡 Ān dìng xiāng (N) Anting (village in Taiwan)
保定 Bǎo dìng (N) Baoding (city in Hebei)
保定地區 保定地区 Bǎo dìng (N) Baoding district (district in Hebei)
保定市 Bǎo dìng shì Baoding
必定 dìng be bound to; be sure to
標定 标定 biāo dìng demarcate
玻意耳定律 ěr dìng Boyle's law
不定詞 不定词 dìng infinitive
不定 dìng indefinite; adventitious; indeterminate
不定期 dìng non-scheduled; irregularly
不動點定理 不动点定理 dòng diǎn dìng (math.) fixed point theorem
不確定 不确定 què dìng uncertainty
不穩定氣流 不稳定气流 wěn dìng liú turbulent
不一定 dìng not necessarily; maybe
裁定 cái dìng ruling
測定 测定 dìng to survey and evaluate
長期穩定性 长期稳定性 cháng wěn dìng xìng long term stability
超文本傳輸協定 超文本传输协定 chāo wén běn chuán shū xié dìng hypertext transfer protocol; HTTP
超文件傳輸協定 超文件传输协定 chāo wén jiàn chuán shū xié dìng hypertext transfer protocol; HTTP
傳輸控制協定 传输控制协定 chuán shū kōng zhì xié dìng transmission control protocol; TCP
傳輸協定 传输协定 chuán shū xié dìng transfer protocol; transportation protocol
大寫鎖定 大写锁定 xiě suǒ dìng caps lock
戴維南定理 戴维南定理 Dài wéi nán dìng Thévenin's theorem
檔案傳輸協定 档案传输协定 dǎng àn chuán shū xié dìng File transfer protocol (FTP)
滴定 dìng titration
滴定管 dìng guǎn burette; buret
奠定 diàn dìng establish; fix; settle
電子穩定控制系統 电子稳定控制系统 diàn wěn dìng kòng zhì tǒng electronic stability control
dìng to set; to fix; to determine; to decide; to order
定安 Dìng ān (N) Ding'an (place in Hainan)
定邊 定边 Dìng biān (N) Dingbian (place in Shaanxi)
定標器 定标器 dìng biāo scaler
定點 定点 dìng diǎn fixed point or location; point of reference; (math.) fixed point; to determine a location
定額 定额 dìng é (n) fixed amount; quota
定額組 定额组 dìng é quorum
定購 定购 dìng gòu (v) place an order for materials
定婚 dìng hūn be betrothed; get engaged
定貨 定货 dìng huò (v) place an order for materials
定價 定价 dìng jià to set a price; to fix a price
定結 定结 Dìng jié (N) Dingjie (place in Tibet)
定居 dìng (v) settle down to a place to live
定居點 定居点 dìng diǎn settlement
定居者 dìng zhě settler
定局 dìng foregone
定理 dìng (n) an established theory; (math.) theorem
定量分塊 定量分块 dìng liáng fēn kuài chunking
定量 dìng liàng (n) fixed amount; ration
定量分析 dìng liàng fēn quantitative analysis
定律 dìng (n) established law
定南 Dìng nán (N) Dingnan (place in Jiangxi)
定期 dìng regularly; at regular intervals
定日 dìng (N) Tingri (town in central Tibet)
定陶 Dìng táo (N) Dingtao (place in Shandong)
定位 dìng wèi position; location; localization
定西 Dìng (N) Dingxi (place in Gansu)
定西地區 定西地区 Dìng (N) Dingxi district (district in Gansu)
定襄 Dìng xiāng (N) Dingxiang (place in Shanxi)
定向 dìng xiàng (adv) a prior decision as to the direction of one's work; (v) to get a directional fix
定興 定兴 Dìng xīng (N) Dingxing (place in Hebei)
定性 dìng xìng (v) establish the chemical makeup of a compound; (v) determine the nature of a criminal
定性分析 dìng xìng fēn qualitative inorganic analysis
定義 定义 dìng definition
定義域 定义域 dìng domain (mathematics)
定音鼓 dìng yīn timpani
定於 定于 dìng set at; scheduled at
定語 定语 dìng attributive (modifier)
定遠 定远 Dìng yuǎn (N) Dingyuan (place in Anhui)
定閱 定阅 dìng yuè (v) subscribe to a periodical or newspaper
定制 dìng zhì custom, made-to-order
定州 Dìng zhōu (N) Dingzhou (city in Hebei)
定罪 dìng zuì convict (someone of a crime)
定作 dìng zuò to have something made to order
定做 dìng zuò to have something made to order
毒莠定 yǒu dìng picloram
斷定 断定 duàn dìng (v) come to a conclusion
法定 dìng (adj) legal; of a legal nature
法定貨幣 法定货币 dìng huò fiat currency
放射免疫測定 放射免疫测定 fàng shè miǎn dìng radioimmunoassay
非決定論 非决定论 fēi jué dìng lùn indeterminism
否定 fǒu dìng negative
勾股定理 gōu dìng Pythagorean theorem
固定 dìng fixed; set; regular
固定虛擬連接 固定虚拟连接 dìng lián jiē Permanent Virtual Connection; PVC
固定資產 固定资产 dìng chǎn (n) fixed assets
規定 规定 guī dìng provision; to fix; to set; to formulate; to stipulate; to provide
貴定 贵定 Guì dìng (N) Guiding (place in Guizhou)
核定 dìng check and ratify; appraise and decide
劃定 划定 huá dìng demarcated
環球定位系統 环球定位系统 huán qiú dìng wèi tǒng global positioning system; GPS
基因鑒定 基因鉴定 yīn jiàn dìng genetic fingerprinting
嘉定 Jiā dìng (N) Jiading (place in Shanghai)
嘉定區 嘉定区 Jiā dìng Jiading District
假定 jiǎ dìng to assume; to suppose
假否定句 jiǎ fǒu dìng false negative
甲磺磷定 jiǎ huáng lín dìng pralidoxime mesylate
假肯定句 jiǎ kěn dìng false affirmative
堅定 坚定 jiān dìng firm; steady; staunch; resolute
堅定不移 坚定不移 jiān dìng unswerving; unflinching
堅定性 坚定性 jiān dìng xìng firmness; steadfastness
鑒定 鉴定 jiàn dìng to appraise; to identify; to evaluate
鑒定委員會 鉴定委员会 jiàn dìng wěi yuán huì evaluation committee; review board
決定 决定 jué dìng to decide (to do something); to determine; to resolve
決定論 决定论 jué dìng lùn determinism
決定性 决定性 jué dìng xìng decisive; conclusive
決定性問題 决定性问题 jué dìng xìng wèn decision problem
康定 Kāng dìng (N) Dartsendo, Dardo, ch. Kangding (town in Kham prov. of Tibet, pres. Sichuan)
科德十二定律 shí èr dìng Codd's 12 rules
肯定 kěn dìng to be sure; to be certain; sure; certain; definite; to confirm; to affirm; affirmative
肯定並例句 肯定并例句 kěn dìng bìng active conjoined sentence
庫侖定律 库仑定律 lún dìng Coulomb's law
楞次定律 Léng dìng Lenz's law
黎曼羅赫定理 黎曼罗赫定理 màn luó dìng (math.) the Riemann-Roch theorem
聯合國海地穩定化任務組 联合国海地稳定化任务组 Lián guó Hǎi wěn dìng huà rèn United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
瀘定 泸定 dìng (N) Luding (place in Sichuan)
瀘定橋 泸定桥 dìng qiáo Luding Bridge
路由協定 路由协定 yóu xié dìng routing protocol
氯磷定 lín dìng pralidoxime chloride
亂作決定 乱作决定 luàn zuò jué dìng to make arbitrary decisions
羅定 罗定 Luó dìng (N) Luoding (city in Guangdong)
明文規定 明文规定 míng wén guī dìng expressly stipulated (in writing)
命運註定 命运注定 mìng yùn zhù dìng ordain
牟定 Móu dìng (N) Mouding (place in Yunnan)
擬定 拟定 dìng (v) make an initial draft
歐姆定律 欧姆定律 ōu dìng Ohm's law
判定 pàn dìng judge; decide; judgment; determination
彭定康 péng dìng kāng Chris Patten (last British governor of Hong Kong)
平定 Píng dìng (N) Pingding (place in Shanxi)
評定 评定 píng dìng (v) evaluate; make a judgement
平定縣 平定县 Píng dìng xiàn Pingding County
普定 dìng (N) Puding (place in Guizhou)
簽定 签定 qiān dìng sign (a contract, treaty, etc.)
親子鑒定 亲子鉴定 qīn jiàn dìng paternity testing
確定 确定 què dìng definite; certain; fixed; to fix; to determine; be sure; OK (Windows UI)
確定效應 确定效应 què dìng xiào yìng deterministic effect
認定 认定 rèn dìng maintain (that something is true); be of the firm opinion that; to firmly believe
設定 设定 shè dìng setting; preferences
審定 审定 shěn dìng (v) examine and OK
生物測定 生物测定 shēng dìng bioassay
使固定 shǐdìng rivet; make firm
市場定位 市场定位 shì chǎng dìng wèi positioning (marketing)
守恆定律 守恒定律 shǒu héng dìng conservation law
說不定 说不定 shuō bu dìng can't say for sure; maybe
特定 dìng special; specific; designated; particular; designated
特定含義 特定含义 dìng hán specific meaning
通信協定 通信协定 tōng xìn jié dìng communications protocol
通訊協定 通讯协定 tōng xùn xié dìng communications protocol
同構基本定理 同构基本定理 tóng gòu běn dìng isomorphism theorem
網際協定 网际协定 wǎng xié dìng internet protocol; IP
未決定 未决定 wèi jué dìng pending
文定王后 Wén dìng wáng hòu Queen Munjeong
穩定 稳定 wěn dìng stable; steady
穩定物價 稳定物价 wěn dìng jià (n) valorization; (vt) valorize
穩定性 稳定性 wěn dìng xìng stability
無定形碳 无定形碳 dìng xíng tàn amorphous carbon
武定 dìng (N) Wuding (place in Yunnan)
下定義 下定义 xià dìng to define
限定 xiàn dìng restrict to; limit
協定 协定 xié dìng (reach an) agreement; protocol
選定 选定 xuǎn dìng (v) select out; choose
摇擺不定的 摇摆不定的 yáo bǎi dìng de undecided
一定 dìng surely; certainly; necessarily; fixed; a certain (extent, etc.); given; particular
一定要 dìng yào must
一致資源定址器 一致资源定址器 zhì yuán dìng zhǐ uniform resource locator (URL)
議定書 议定书 dìng shū (n) protocol; treaty
永定 Yǒng dìng (N) Yongding (place in Fujian)
永定門 永定门 Yǒng dìng mén Yongdingmen
用戶定義 用户定义 yòng dìng user-defined
預定 预定 dìng schedule in advance
原定 yuán dìng originally planned; originally determined
約定 约定 yuē dìng engage; promise; make an appointment
約定資訊速率 约定资讯速率 yuē dìng xùn committed information rate (Frame Relay); CIR
擇定 择定 dìng select (a date)
真否定句 zhēn fǒu dìng true negative (TN)
真肯定句 zhēn kěn dìng true affirmative (TA)
鎮定 镇定 zhèn dìng (adj) calm; unperturbed; cool
正定 Zhèng dìng (N) Zhengding (place in Hebei)
幀首定界符 帧首定界符 zhèng shǒu dìng jiè start of frame delimiter
正弦定理 zhèng xián dìng law of sines
指定 zhǐ dìng appoint; designated
制定 zhì dìng to draw up; to formulate
註定 注定 zhù dìng be doomed; be destined (to failure, etc.)
自然數的集合論定義 自然数的集合论定义 rán shù de lùn dìng set-theoretic definition of natural numbers

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