Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
包容 bāo róng pardon; forgive; contain; hold
比容 róng specific volume
冰炭不相容 bīng tàn xiāng róng as incompatible or irreconcilable as ice and hot coals
病容 bìng róng sickly look
不容 róng not tolerate; not allow; not brook; not admit
不容易 róng not easy
不相容 xiāng róng incompatible
從容 从容 cōng róng go easy; unhurried
從容不迫 从容不迫 cóng róng calm; unruffled
大容量 róng liàng high capacity
電磁兼容性 电磁兼容性 diàn jiān róng xìng electromagnetic compatibility
電容 电容 diàn róng capacitance
電容器 电容器 diàn róng capacitor
好容易 hǎo róng with great difficulty; have a hard time
華容 华容 Huá róng (N) Huarong (place in Hunan)
兼容 jiān róng compatible
兼容性 jiān róng xìng compatibility
句容 róng (N) Jurong (place in Jiangsu)
可容忍 róng rěn tolerable
寬容 宽容 kuān róng lenient; tolerant
面容 miàn róng (n) facial appearance; facial structure or features
內容 内容 nèi róng content; substance; details
róng to hold; to contain; to allow; appearance; look; countenance
容城 Róng chéng (N) Rongcheng (place in Hebei)
容積 容积 róng (n) physical space; volume
容克 Róng Junker (German aristocracy)
容量 róng liàng capacity; quantitative (science)
容量分析 róng liàng fēn quantitative analysis; volumetric analysis
容貌 róng mào countenance; personage
容納 容纳 róng contain; accommodate
容器 róng receptacle; vessel
容忍 róng rěn to put up with; to tolerate
容縣 容县 Róng xiàn (N) Rong county (county in Guangxi)
容許 容许 róng permit; allow
容易 róng easy; likely; liable (to)
使容易 shǐ róng facilitate
完全兼容 wán quán jiān ròng completely compatible
維爾容 维尔容 Wéi ěr róng (Johannes Lodewikus) Viljoen (South African ambassador to Taiwan)
無法形容 无法形容 xíng róng unspeakable; indescribable
相互兼容 xiāng jiān róng mutually compatible
笑容 xiào róng smile; smiling expression
形容 xíng róng describe; look or appearance
形容詞 形容词 xíng róng adjective
形容辭 形容辞 xíng róng adjective
壓力容器 压力容器 róng pressure vessel
儀容 仪容 róng (n) appearance
雍容大度 yōng róng generous
陣容 阵容 zhèn róng (n) troop arrangement
整容 zhěng róng plastic surgery
姿容 róng looks; appearance
鄒容 邹容 Zōu Róng Zou Rong

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