Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
報幕 报幕 bào announce the items on a (theatrical) program
閉幕 闭幕 the curtain falls; lower the curtain
閉幕式 闭幕式 shì (n) closing cermonies
布幕 screen
垂幕 chuí canopy
揭幕 jiē opening
開幕 开幕 kāi to open (a conference, e.g.); to inaugurate
開幕式 开幕式 kāi shì opening ceremony
stage curtain; tent
幕僚 liáo aids and advisors of top official
幕張展覽館 幕张展览馆 zhāng zhǎn lǎn guǎn Makuhari Messe
內幕 内幕 nèi (n) inside story; non-public information; behind the scenes; internal
屏幕 píng (TV or movie) screen
鐵幕 铁幕 tiě iron curtain
幃幕 帏幕 wéi screen; backdrop
序幕 prologue
銀幕 银幕 yín movie screen
招幕 zhāo enlist; recruit
字幕 caption

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