Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
變異 变异 biàn variation
標新立異 标新立异 biāo xīn start something new in order to be different; do something unconventional or unorthodox; create something new and original
差異 差异 chā difference; discrepancy
詫異 诧异 chà (adj) flabbergasted; astonished
雌雄異色 雌雄异色 xióng sexual coloration
大同小異 大同小异 tóng xiǎo almost similar; except slight differences
黨同伐異 党同伐异 dǎng tóng to be narrowly partisan; to unite with those of the same views but alienate those with different views
第一次異象 第一次异象 xiàng first vision
二氯異三聚氰酸鈉 二氯异三聚氰酸钠 èr sān qíng suān sodium dichloroisocyanurate
怪異 怪异 guài weird
詭異 诡异 guǐ (adj) strange
基因染色體異常 基因染色体异常 yīn rǎn cháng genetic chromosome abnormality
驚異 惊异 jīng amazement
空腹血糖異常 空腹血糖异常 kōng xuè táng cháng impaired fasting glycaemia
兩性異形 两性异形 liǎng xìng xíng sexual dimorphism
聊齋志異 聊斋志异 Liáo zhāi Zhì Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio
令人驚異 令人惊异 lìng rén jīng surprisingly
葡萄糖耐量異常 葡萄糖耐量异常 tao táng nài liáng cháng impaired glucose tolerance
奇花異草 奇花异草 huā cǎo (saying) very rarely seen, unusual
奇異 奇异 fantastic; bizarre; odd; astonished
奇異筆 奇异笔 marker (writing instrument)
特異度 特异度 specificity
特異功能 特异功能 gōng néng extra-sensory perception
提出異議 提出异议 chū (vi) remonstrate
同量異位素 同量异位素 tóng liáng wèi nuclear isobar
同素異形體 同素异形体 tóng xíng allotropy
亞硝酸異戊酯 亚硝酸异戊酯 xiāo suān zhǐ amyl nitrite
(interj.); raise; to stop
different; unusual; strange
異步 异步 asynchronous
異步傳輸模式 异步传输模式 chuán shū shì asynchronous transfer mode; ATM
異常 异常 cháng exceptional; abnormal
異齒龍 异齿龙 chǐ lóng Dimetrodon
異端 异端 duān heresy
异化作用 huà zuò yòng dissimilation (biol.), metabolic breaking down and disposal of waste
異見者 异见者 jiàn zhě dissident
異教 异教 jiào heresy; heathenism
異教徒 异教徒 jiào heathen; heretic
異口同聲 异口同声 kǒu tóng shēng (phr) with one voice; (say) in unison
異卵雙胞胎 异卵双胞胎 luǎn shuāng bāo tāi fraternal twins
異蕊草科 异蕊草科 ruǐ cǎo Laxmanniaceae
異體字 异体字 variant Chinese character
異性 异性 xìng heterosexual
異性性接觸 异性性接触 xìng xìng jiē chù heterosexual sex
異議 异议 objection; dissent
異議人士 异议人士 rén shì dissident
異質 异质 zhì heterogeneous
異質網路 异质网路 zhì wǎng heterogeneous network
優異 优异 yōu (adj) exceptional

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