Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
乘波導引 乘波导引 chéng dǎo yǐn beam riding
東引鄉 东引乡 Dōng yǐn xiāng (N) Tungyin (village in Taiwan)
公引 gōng yǐn hectometer
勾引 gōu yǐn seduce; tempt
激光打引機 激光打引机 guāng yǐn laser printer
牽引 牵引 qiān yǐn (v) tow; pull
搜索引擎 sōu suǒ yǐn qíng (Internet) search engine
索引 suǒ yǐn index
索引集 suǒ yǐn index set
萬有引力 万有引力 wàn yǒu yǐn gravity
吸引 yǐn attract (interest, investment, etc.)
吸引力 yǐn (n) sex appeal; attractiveness
吸引子網絡 吸引子网络 yǐn wǎng luò attractor network
醫學索引 医学索引 xué suǒ yǐn index medicus
遺傳性性吸引 遗传性性吸引 chuán xìng xìng yǐn genetic sexual attraction
yǐn to lead; to divert (water); to guide
引爆 yǐn bào ignite; detonate
引爆裝置 引爆装置 yǐn bào zhuāng zhì detonator
引出 yǐn chū extract
引導 引导 yǐn dǎo to guide; to lead; to conduct; introduction
引導扇區 引导扇区 yǐn dǎo shàn boot sector
引渡 yǐn extradite
引發 引发 yǐn lead to; trigger; initiate
引號 引号 yǐn hào quotation mark
引進 引进 yǐn jìn recommend; introduce from elsewhere
引咎 yǐn jiù take the blame; accept responsibility (for a mistake)
引力 yǐn gravitation (force); attraction
引力場 引力场 yǐn chǎng gravitational field
引起 yǐn to give rise to; to lead to; to cause; to arouse
引擎 yǐn qíng engine (transliteration)
引人注目 yǐn rén zhù striking
引人注意 yǐn rén zhù attractive
引入 yǐn to draw into; to pull into
引申義 引申义 yǐn shēn derived meaning
引述 yǐn shù to quote
引水工程 yǐn shuǐ gōng chéng water-induction engineering
引信系統 引信系统 yǐn xìn tǒng fuzing system
引言 yǐn yán forward; introduction
引用 yǐn yòng quote; cite
引用句 yǐn yòng quotation
引誘 引诱 yǐn yòu (v) coerce sb into doing something bad; lure
引語 引语 yǐn quotation
引證 引证 yǐn zhèng to cite; to quote; to cite as evidence
引子 yǐn zi primer
援引 yuán yǐn quote; cite
摘引 zhāi yǐn quote
指引 zhǐ yǐn guide; show

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