Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
安步當車 安步当车 ān dàng chē walk over leisurely instead of riding in a carriage; walk rather than ride
爆炸當量 爆炸当量 bào zhà dāng liàng TNT equivalent
便當 便当 biàn dāng set meal; lunch box (Taiwan usage); bento box
便當 便当 biàn dang convenient; handy; easy
不當一回事 不当一回事 dàng huí shì not regard as a matter (of any importance)
不當得利 不当得利 dāng unjust enrichment
不當 不当 dàng unsuitable; improper; inappropriate
不敢當 不敢当 gǎn dāng (lit.) I dare not accept the honor; I don't deserve it (your praise)
不適當 不适当 shì dàng inadequate; unfit
充當 充当 chōng dāng serve as; play the role of
大敵當前 大敌当前 dāng qián confront a powerful enemy
dāng to be; to act as; to hold a position (in space, time, or organizational space); manage; withstand; when; during; ought; should; match equally; equal; same; obstruct; just at (a time or place); on the spot; right; just at
當場 当场 dāng chǎng at the scene; on the spot
當初 当初 dāng chū at that time; originally
當代 当代 dāng dài the present age; the contemporary era
當地 当地 dāng local
當地時間 当地时间 dāng shí jiān (n) local time
當兒 当儿 dāng er (n) the very moment
當歸 当归 dāng guī Angelica sinensis
當家 当家 dāng jiā manage household affairs
當今 当今 dāng jīn current; present; now; nowadays
當局 当局 dāng authorities
當量劑量 当量剂量 dāng liáng liáng equivalent dose
當量 当量 dāng liàng yield
當面 当面 dāng miàn to sb.'s face; in sb.'s presence
當年 当年 dāng nián in those days; then; in those years; during that time
當前 当前 dāng qián current; today's; modern; present; to be facing (us)
當然 当然 dāng rán only natural; as it should be; certainly; of course; without doubt
當時 当时 dāng shí then; at that time; while
當時的 当时的 dāng shí de of that time; former
當事人 当事人 dāng shì rén persons involved or implicated; party (to an affair)
當涂 当涂 Dāng (N) Dangtu (place in Anhui)
當務之急 当务之急 dāng zhī urgent priority
當心 当心 dāng xīn to take care; to look out
當雄 当雄 Dāng xióng (N) Dangxiong (place in Tibet)
當選 当选 dāng xuǎn be elected
當陽 当阳 Dāng yáng (N) Dangyang (city in Hubei)
當中 当中 dāng zhōng among; in the middle; in the center
當眾 当众 dāng zhòng in public; in front of everybody
dàng at or in the very same...; to pawn; suitable; adequate; fitting; proper; replace; represent
當成 当成 dàng chéng to consider as; take to be
當天 当天 dàng tiān that day; the same day
當作 当作 dàng zuò treat as; regard as
當做 当做 dàng zuò to treat as; to regard as; to look upon as
得當 得当 dāng expedient
等效百萬噸當量 等效百万吨当量 děng xiào bǎi wàn dūn dāng liáng equivalent megatonnage (EMT)
核當量 核当量 dāng liáng nuclear yield
劑量當量 剂量当量 liáng dāng liáng dose equivalent
理所當然 理所当然 suǒ dāng rán (idiom) certainly; of course; it logically follows that...
兩當 两当 Liǎng dāng (N) Liangdang (place in Gansu)
麥當勞 麦当劳 mài dāng láo Macdonald (name); Macdonald’s (fast food company)
門當戶對 门当户对 mén dāng duì (saying) social position and economic status be in harmony
恰當 恰当 qià dàng appropriate; suitable
上當 上当 shàng dàng be take in; be fooled; be duped
生物倫琴當量 生物伦琴当量 shēng lún qín dāng liàng rem (Roentgen Equivalent Man; Mammal)
適當 适当 shì dàng suitable; appropriate
梯恩梯當量 梯恩梯当量 ēn dāng liàng TNT equivalent
妥當 妥当 tuǒ dàng appropriate; proper; ready
穩當 稳当 wěn dang (adj) stable; firm; (adj) reliable
武當山 武当山 dāng shān Wudang Mountains
相當 相当 xiāng dāng equivalent to; appropriate; considerably; to a certain extent; fairly
響叮噹 响叮当 xiǎng dīng dāng (adj) well, widely known
亞當 亚当 dāng Adam
亞當斯 亚当斯 dāng Adams
應當 应当 yīng dāng should; ought to
允當 允当 yǔn dàng proper; suitable
澤當 泽当 dāng (N) Zedang (place in Tibet)
正當 正当 zhèng dāng timely; well-timed; just when (needed)
正當防衛 正当防卫 zhèng dāng fáng wèi self-defense (theory)
直截了當 直截了当 zhí jié liǎo dàng plain-talking; blunt; straightforward
中國當局 中国当局 Zhōng guó dāng Chinese authorities

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