Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
阿得萊德 阿得莱德 Ā lái Adelaide (an Australian city)
艾德西隆得 ài lóng Edhellond
安得拉邦 Ān bāng Andhra Pradesh (state in India)
巴不得 anxious; look forward to; earnestly wish for
彼得 Peter (name)
彼得巴甫洛夫斯克 luò Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
彼得後書 彼得后书 hòu shū 2 Peter
彼得羅維奇 彼得罗维奇 luó wéi Petrovich (name)
彼得羅扎沃茨克 彼得罗扎沃茨克 luó zhā Petrozavodsk
彼得前書 彼得前书 qián shū 1 Peter
彼得一世 shì Peter I of Bulgaria
必得 děi must; have to
變得 变得 biàn de become; change into
博得 win; gain
不當得利 不当得利 dāng unjust enrichment
不得 must not; may not; not be allowed; cannot
不得不 have no choice or option but to; cannot but; have to; can't help it; can't avoid
不得而知 ér zhī unknown; unable to find out
不得勁 不得劲 jìn awkward; unhandy; be indisposed; not feel well
不得了 liǎo desperately serious; disastrous; extremely; exceedingly
不得人心 rén xīn not enjoy popular support; be unpopular
不得要領 不得要领 yào lǐng fail to grasp the main points
不得已 act against one's will; have no alternative but to; have to; to have no choice; must
不見得 不见得 jiàn de not necessarily; not likely
不可多得 duō hard to come by; rare
不入虎穴焉得虎子 xué yān how can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair; nothing venture; nothing to gain or have
不由得 yóu can't help; cannot but
不值得 zhí de unworthy
差得多 chà duō fall short by a large amount
obtain; get; gain; proper; suitable; proud; contented; allow; permit; ready; finished
得病 bìng to fall ill; to contract a disease
得不償失 得不偿失 cháng shī (saying) the gains do not make up for the losses
得不到 dào cannot get; cannot obtain
得逞 chěng prevail; succeed
得出 chū obtain (results); arrive at (a conclusion)
得寸進尺 得寸进尺 cùn jìn chǐ literal: get an inch, want a foot; figurative: given an inch, want a mile
得當 得当 dāng expedient
得到 dào to get; to obtain; to receive
得分 fēn to score
得克薩斯 得克萨斯 Texas (US state)
得克薩斯州 得克萨斯州 zhōu Texas
得了 le be finished; be ready; all right; that's enough
得力 (adj) able; competent
得梅因 méi yīn Des Moines (Iowa)
得票 piào vote-getting
得票率 piào percentage of votes obtained
得榮 得荣 róng (N) Derong (place in Sichuan)
得勝 得胜 shèng (vi) conquer
得宜 proper; appropriate; suitable
得以 (conj) so that one can...
得意 (be) proud of oneself; pleased with oneself; complacent
得知 zhī (find out and) know; learn of
得罪 zuì (v) say something that offends sb; have a faux pas
de a sentence particle used after a verb to show effect; degree or possibility
得很 de hěn very (much, good etc.)
děi to have to; must; ought to; to need to
懂得 dǒng de to understand; to know; to comprehend
對得起 对得起 duì de not let sb. down; treat sb. fairly; be worthy of
多勞多得 多劳多得 duō láo duō work more and get more
奪得 夺得 duó (v) force one's way; achieve by force
俄備得 俄备得 É bèi Obed (son of Boaz and Ruth)
犯得著 犯得着 fàn de zháo worthwhile
佛得角 jiǎo Cape Verde
弗裡得裡希 弗里得里希 Friedrich (name)
顧不得 顾不得 gù bu de (v) unable to take care of or change
怪不得 guài bu de no wonder
恨不得 hèn bu de one would if one could; itch to
獲得 获得 huò to obtain; to receive; to get
獲得勝利 获得胜利 huò shēng to win
獲得性閱讀障礙 获得性阅读障碍 huò xìng yuè zhàng ài acquired dyslexia
記得 记得 de to remember
家得寶 家得宝 Jiā bǎo Home Depot
見不得 见不得 jiàn bu may not be seen by or exposed to
經得起 经得起 jīng de (vi) withstand
覺得 觉得 jué de to think; to feel
看得見 看得见 kàn jiàn visible
可得到 dào available
喀琅施塔得 láng shī Kronstadt
來得及 来得及 lái de there's still time; be able to do sth. in time
懶得 懒得 lǎn (v) be disinclined to; not feel like
利得稅 利得税 shuì profit tax
利雅得 Riyadh (capital of Saudi Arabia)
隆得戴爾 隆得戴尔 Lóng Dài ěr Lond Daer Enedh
路得 Ruth (mother of Obed)
路得記 路得记 Book of Ruth
羅得島 罗得岛 Luó dǎo Rhode Island
落得 luò de (v) end up in; result in
蒙得維的亞 蒙得维的亚 méng wéi Montevideo (capital of Uruguay)
免得 miǎn de so as not to; so as to avoid
難得 难得 nán seldom; rare; hard to come by
迫不得已 have no choice; compelled
求得 qiú (v) ask for and receive; (v) try to obtain; (v) look for and obtain
取得 to acquire; to get; to obtain
取得大學學位 取得大学学位 xué xué wèi to obtain a university education
認得 认得 rèn de know; recognize
捨不得 舍不得 shě bu de (adv) hate to do; (v) hate to part with
捨得 舍得 shě de to be willing to part with (sth)
省得 shěng de (so as to) save
聖彼得堡 圣彼得堡 Shèng bǎo Saint Petersburg (city in Russia)
使得 shǐ de usable; workable; feasible; doable; to make; to cause
史瓦茲旭爾得度規 史瓦兹旭尔得度规 Shǐ ěr guī Schwarzschild metric
算不得 suàn not count as
所得 suǒ (n) that which one acquires; one's gains
所得稅 所得税 suǒ shuì (n) tax on one's gains; income tax
談得來 谈得来 tán lái able to talk to or get on with; get along with
天曉得 天晓得 tiān xiǎo de Heaven knows!
聽得見 听得见 tīng jiàn audible
廷得耳效應 廷得耳效应 Tíng ěr xiào yìng Tyndall effect
完全懂得 wán quán dǒng de to understand completely
溫得和克 温得和克 wēn Windhoek (capital of Namibia)
嚇得發抖 吓得发抖 xià dǒu tremble with fear
顯得 显得 xiǎn de appear (to be); seem
曉得 晓得 xiǎo de to know
心得 xīn knowledge gained
軒軒自得 轩轩自得 xuān xuān to be delighted with oneself
雅溫得 雅温得 wēn Yaoundé (capital city of Cameroon)
亞得里亞海 亚得里亚海 hǎi Adriatic sea
要得 yào good; fine
一舉兩得 一举两得 liǎng de kill two birds with one stone
易取得 accessible
應得 应得 yīng deserve
贏得 赢得 yíng win; gain
乍得 zhà Chad
乍得湖 Zhà Lake Chad
值得 zhí de to be worth; to deserve
值得慶幸 值得庆幸 zhí de qìng xìng auspicious; worth celebrating; worthy of congratulations
值得注意 zhí de zhù notable; noteworthy; merit attention
值得注意的是 zhí de zhù de shì it's worth noting that...
只得 zhǐ have no alternative but to; be obliged to
賺得 赚得 zhuàn earn
總得 总得 zǒng děi must; have to; be bound to

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