Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
安心 ān xīn feel at ease; be relieved; set one's mind at rest; keep one's mind on something
靶心 xīn bull's eye
飽食終日無所用心 饱食终日无所用心 bǎo shí zhōng suǒ yòng xīn eat three square meals a day and do no work; be sated with food and remain idle
背心 bèi xīn a sleeveless garment
筆心 笔心 xīn pencil lead; refill (for a ball-point pen)
變心 变心 biàn xīn cease to be faithful
別出心裁 别出心裁 bié chū xīn cái adopt an original approach; try to be different
別有用心 别有用心 bié yǒu yòng xīn ulterior motive
冰心 Bīng Xīn Bing Xin (writer)
不到黃河心不死 不到黄河心不死 dào huáng xīn not stop until one reaches the Huanghe River - not stop until one reaches one's goal; refuse to give up until all hope is gone
不得人心 rén xīn not enjoy popular support; be unpopular
不甘心 gān xīn not reconciled to; not resigned to
不死心 xīn unwilling to give up; unresigned
不小心 xiǎo xīn heedless; careless
埔心鄉 埔心乡 xīn xiāng (N) Puhsin (village in Taiwan)
操心 cāo xīn to worry about
稱心 称心 chèn xīn (adj) satisfactory; OK
成心 chéng xīn (adj) deliberate; with prior intent
誠心誠意 诚心诚意 chéng xīn chéng (saying) eager and sincere
粗心 xīn careless
粗心大意 xīn negligent; careless; inadvertent
存心 cún xīn deliberately
大快人心 kuài rén xīn to the satisfaction of everyone
丹心 dān xīn loyalty
擔心 担心 dān xīn anxious; worried; uneasy; to worry; to be anxious; worry
當心 当心 dāng xīn to take care; to look out
燈心草科 灯心草科 Dēng xīn cǎo Juncaceae
地心吸力 xīn gravitation
點心 点心 diǎn xīn light refreshments; pastry
多心 duō xīn oversensitive; suspicious
噁心 恶心 ě xīn to hate; to loathe
惡心 恶心 ě xin to feel nauseated; to turn sick; to be fed up; nauseated; fed up; disgusting; nauseous
惡心 恶心 è xīn bad habit; vicious habit; vice
犯罪心理學 犯罪心理学 fàn zuì xīn xué criminal psychology
放心 fàng xīn to set one's mind at rest; to be at ease; to rest
費盡心機 费尽心机 fèi jìn xīn (v) use all one's mental energies
甘心 gān xīn (v) want (to do sth); (v) be satisfied
鋼鐵雄心 钢铁雄心 Gāng tiě xióng xīn Hearts of Iron
購物中心 购物中心 gòu zhōng xīn shopping center
關心 关心 guān xīn caring; concerned
歸心 归心 guī xīn converted to (religion)
歸心者 归心者 guī xīn zhě religious convert
好心 hǎo xīn (n) good motive
好奇心 hào xīn curiosity
核心 xīn core; nucleus
狠心 hěn xīn (adj) callous; heartless
灰心 huī xīn lose heart; be discouraged
疾病控制中心 bìng kòng zhì zhōng xīn Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
疾病預防中心 疾病预防中心 bìng fáng zhōng xīn (U.S.) Center for Disease Control
戒心 jiè xīn vigilance; wariness
金源時代購物中心 金源时代购物中心 Jīn yuán shí dài gòu Zhōng xīn Golden Resources Mall
精心 jīng xīn (adv) with utmost care; meticulously; (adv) detailed; meticulous
靜心 静心 jìng xīn meditation
捲心菜 卷心菜 juǎn xīn cài cabbage
決心 决心 jué xīn determination; resolution; determined; firm and resolute; to make up one's mind
開心 开心 kāi xīn to feel happy; to have a great time; to make fun of somebody
開心果 开心果 kāi xīn guǒ pistachio nuts
開心樂園餐 开心乐园餐 Kāi xīn yuán cān Happy Meal
肯尼迪航天中心 Kěn Háng tiān Zhōng xīn Kennedy Space Center
空心 kōng xīn (adj) hollow; (adj) hollow headed; mindless
扣人心弦 kòu rén xīn xián to excite; to thrill; exciting; thrilling; cliff-hanging
離心機 离心机 xīn centrifuge
離心力 离心力 xīn centrifugal force
力不從心 力不从心 cóng xīn ability is less than one's desire
聯合核事故協調中心 联合核事故协调中心 lián shìxié tiào zhōng xīn Joint nuclear Accident Coordinating Center (JNACC)
聯合中心 联合中心 Lián Zhōng xīn United Center
良心 liáng xīn conscience
良心犯 liáng xīn fàn prisoner of conscience
留心 liú xīn (v) take care; be mindful
沒心眼 没心眼 méi xīn yǎn (derogatory) inconsiderate
美國疾病控制與預防中心 美国疾病控制与预防中心 Měi guó bìng Kòng zhì fáng Zhōng xīn Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
耐心 nài xīn patient (adjective)
內心 内心 nèi xīn heart; innermost being
逆反心理 fǎn xīn reverse psychology
氣體離心 气体离心 xīn gas centrifuge
全心全意 quán xīn quán heart and soul; wholeheartedly
缺心眼 quē xīn yǎn (adj) (derogatory) have no consideration; inconsiderate; be unaware of one's obligation
讓傷心 让伤心 ràng shāng xīn to make grieve, to make sad
熱心 热心 xīn enthusiasm; zeal; zealous; zest; enthusiastic; ardent; warmhearted
熱心的 热心的 xīn de warm hearted
人心 rén xīn popular feeling; the will of the people
忍心 rěn xīn (v) be emotionally willing to do sth
認知神經心裡學 认知神经心里学 rèn zhī shén jīng xīn xué cognitive neuropsychology
日心說 日心说 xīn shuō heliocentric theory; the theory that the sun is at the center of the universe
三心二意 sān xīn èr careless
喪心病狂 丧心病狂 sāng xīn bìng kuáng lunatic
傷心 伤心 shāng xīn grieve
商業中心 商业中心 shāng zhōng xīn business center; commerce center
身心爽快 shēn xīn shuǎng kuài refreshment
身心障礙 身心障碍 shēn xīn zhàng ài disability
實驗心理學 实验心理学 shí yàn xīn xué experimental psychology
使徒信心會 使徒信心会 Shǐ Xìn xīn huì Apostolic Faith Mission
世界貿易中心 世界贸易中心 Shì jiè Mào Zhōng xīn World Trade Center
市中心 shì zhōng xīn (n) city center; downtown
順心 顺心 shùn xīn happy; satisfactory
死心 xīn (v) have no more illusions about
台北世界貿易中心 台北世界贸易中心 Tái běi Shì jiè Mào Zhōng xīn Taipei World Trade Center
貪心 贪心 tān xīn greedy
溏心風暴 溏心风暴 Táng xīn fēng bào Heart of Greed
桃花心木 táo huā xīn mahogany
提心吊膽 提心吊胆 xīn diào dǎn (saying) to be very scared and on edge
通心粉 tōng xīn fěn macaroni
同心 Tóng xīn (N) Tongxin (place in Ningxia)
痛心 tòng xīn grieved; pained
違心 违心 wéi xīn against ones will or feelings
唯心論 唯心论 wéi xīn lùn (n) philosophy of idealism
唯心主義 唯心主义 wéi xīn zhǔ (n) philosophy of idealism
溫心 温心 wēn xīn comfort
窩心 窝心 xīn warm; warm hearted
細心 细心 xīn careful; attentive
下決心 下决心 xià jué xīn determine; resolve
香港文化中心 Xiāng gǎng Wén huà Zhōng xīn Hong Kong Cultural Centre
橡樹之心體育俱樂部 橡树之心体育俱乐部 Xiàng shù zhī xīn Accra Hearts of Oak Sporting Club
向心力 xiàng xīn centripetal force
小心 xiǎo xīn careful
小心翼翼 xiǎo xīn (saying) carefully; cautiously
xīn heart; mind
心愛 心爱 xīn ài beloved
心包 xīn bāo pericardium
心部 Xīn Radical 61 heart
心腸 心肠 xīn cháng heart; intention; state of mind; mood
心得 xīn knowledge gained
心電圖 心电图 xīn diàn electrocardiogram
心房顫動 心房颤动 xīn fáng zhàn dòng atrial fibrillation
心寒 xīn hán be very disappointed
心肌梗塞 xīn gěng myocardial infarction
心肌炎 xīn yán myocarditis
心悸 xīn palpitations
心絞痛 心绞痛 xīn jiǎo tòng angina
心理 xīn mental; psychological
心裡 心里 xīn (n) ones heart and mind
心理詞典 心理词典 xīn diǎn mental lexicon
心理疾病 xīn bìng mental illness
心理學 心理学 xīn xué psychology
心理學家 心理学家 xīn xué jiā psychologist
心靈 心灵 xīn líng (n) internal spirit
心靈上 心灵上 xīn líng shàng spiritual
心律失常 xīnshī cháng cardiac arrhythmia
心目 xīn mentality; mental attitude; viewpoint
心情 xīn qíng mood; frame of mind
心事 xīn shì a load on one's mind; worry
心室 xīn shì ventricle (heart)
心手 xīn shǒu new hand; novice
心思 xīn si (n) idea; (v) thinking about doing sth; (n) inclination; mood
心態 心态 xīn tài attitude (of the heart), state of one's psyche
心疼 xīn téng (v) love with all one's heart
心跳 xīn tiào heart rate
心頭 心头 xīn tóu (n) thoughts; mind; heart
心血 xīn xuè (n) meticulous care
心血管疾病 xīn xuè guǎn bìng cardiovascular disease
心血來潮 心血来潮 xīn xuè lái cháo to be prompted by a sudden impulse; carried away by a whim; have a brainstorm
心眼 xīn yǎn (n) consideration; thoughtfulness; ability to be considerate; social grace; ability to see how to treat others; (NOT mind's eye)
心眼大 xīn yǎn (adj) magnanimous; considerate; thoughtful; able to think of everything that needs to be thought of
心眼多 xīn yǎn duō have unfounded doubts; over concerned
心眼兒 心眼儿 xīn yǎn er (n) one's thoughts; mind; (n) intention; (n) willingness to accept new ideas; (n) baseless suspicions
心眼好 xīn yǎn hǎo well-intentioned; good-natured; kind-hearted
心眼小 xīn yǎn xiǎo (adj) (derogatory) selfish; unable to be considerate; selfishly oversensitive
心意 xīn regard; kindly feelings; intention
心願 心愿 xīn yuàn (n) goal; desire
心臟 心脏 xīn zàng heart
心臟病 心脏病 xīn zàng bìng heart disease
心臟疾患 心脏疾患 xīn zàng huàn heart disease
心臟移殖 心脏移殖 xīn zàng zhí heart transplant
心中 xīn zhōng (n) in one's thoughts; in one's mind
信心 xìn xīn confidence; faith (in someone or something)
行政中心 xíng zhèng zhōng xīn administrative center
雄心 xióng xīn (n) great goals; large aspirations
虛心 虚心 xīn modest
尋開心 寻开心 xún kāi xīn to make fun of
研究中心 yán jiū zhōng xīn research center
野心 xīn wild schemes; wild ambitions
頁心 页心 xīn type page
一心 xīn wholeheartedly; heart and soul
一心一意 xīn intently
醫學中心 医学中心 xué zhōng xīn medical center
疑心 xīn suspicion
英國國家太空中心 英国国家太空中心 Yīng guó Guó jiā Tài kōng Zhōng xīn British National Space Centre
用心 yòng xīn motive; intention; diligently; attentively
有好奇心 yǒu hào xīn curious
有決心 有决心 yǒu jué xīn determined
有口無心 有口无心 yǒu kǒu xīn (saying) to speak harshly but without any bad intent
有良心 yǒu liáng xīn conscientious
有同情心 yǒu tóng qíng xīn sympathetic
有心眼 yǒu xīn yǎn considerate; thoughtful
有雄心 yǒu xióng xīn ambitious
娛樂中心 娱乐中心 zhōng xīn recreation
真心 zhēn xīn (adj) sincere; heartfelt
真心實意地 真心实意地 zhēn xīn shí de wholeheartedly
知心 zhī xīn caring; intimate
指揮中心 指挥中心 zhǐ huī zhōng xīn command center
中國國防科技信息中心 中国国防科技信息中心 Zhōng guó Guó fáng Xìn Zhōng xīn China Defense Science and Technology Information Center (CDSTIC)
中心 zhōng xīn center; heart; core
衷心 zhōng xīn heartfelt; wholehearted; cordial
中心矩 zhōng xīn (statistics) central moment
中心埋置關係從句 中心埋置关系从句 zhōng xīn mái zhì guān cóng center-embedded relative clauses
中心語 中心语 zhōng xīn qualified word
重心 zhòng xīn (n) center of gravity; (n) core; main part
主觀唯心主義 主观唯心主义 zhǔ guān wéi xīn zhǔ subjective idealism
專心 专心 zhuān xīn absorption; concentrate; concentrate; concentration; engrossed
自信心 xìn xīn self-confidence

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