Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
愛情 爱情 ài qíng love (between man and woman)
愛情全保 爱情全保 ài qíng quán bǎo Love Guaranteed
愛情與死亡之歌 爱情与死亡之歌 ài qíng wáng zhī Gloomy Sunday - Ein Lied von Liebe und Tod
案情 àn qíng details of a case; case
表情 biǎo qíng (facial) expression; to express one's feelings; expression
病情 bìng qíng state of an illness; patient's condition
薄情 qíng inconstant in love; fickle
不近人情 jìn rén qíng not amenable to reason; unreasonable
不情願 不情愿 qíng yuàn unwilling
不情之請 不情之请 qíng zhī qǐng my presumptuous request
打情罵俏 打情骂俏 qíng qiào to tease a woman by pretending to be displeased with them; to flirt with a member of the opposite sex; banter flirtatiously
動情激素 动情激素 dòng qíng estrogen (oestrogen)
動情期 动情期 dòng qíng oestrus
動情週期 动情周期 dòng qíng zhōu estrous cycle
恩情 ēn qíng (n) deep affection
風土人情 风土人情 fēng rén qíng local conditions (human and environmental)
感情 gǎn qíng feeling; emotion; affection; sensation
國情 国情 guó qíng (n) country's basic condition or state
行情 háng qíng (n) market price
核情報 核情报 qíng bào nuclear intelligence
合情合理 qíng reasonable and fair
激情 qíng (n) strong emotion; passion; fervour
技術情報 技术情报 shù qíng bào information technology; IT
冷酷無情 冷酷无情 lěng qíng (adj) cold-hearted; hardened
戀母情結 恋母情结 liàn qíng jié Oedipus complex
領情 领情 lǐng qíng feel grateful to somebody; appreciate the kindness
眉目傳情 眉目传情 méi chuán qíng to make sheep eyes at; to cast amorous glances at
面部表情 miàn biǎo qíng facial expression
民族主義情緒 民族主义情绪 mín zhǔ qíng nationalist feelings; nationalist sentiment
男同性戀色情片 男同性恋色情片 nán tóng xìng liàn qíng piàn gay pornography
難為情 难为情 nán wéi qíng embarrassed
內情 内情 nèi qíng inside information
qíng feeling; emotion; passion; situation
情報 情报 qíng bào (spy) intelligence; information-gathering
情報部 情报部 qíng bào intelligence agency
情報部門 情报部门 qíng bào mén intelligence agency
情報處 情报处 qíng bào chù source (of information)
情報官員 情报官员 qíng bào guān yuán intelligence official
情報檢索 情报检索 qíng bào jiǎn suǒ information retrieval
情報局 情报局 qíng bào intelligence agency
情調 情调 qíng diào sentiment; tone and mood; taste
情婦 情妇 qíng fling; coquette
情感 qíng gǎn feeling; emotion
情節 情节 qíng jié plot
情結 情结 qíng jié complex (psychology)
情景 qíng jǐng scene; sight; circumstances
情境功利主義 情境功利主义 qíng jìng gōng zhǔ act utilitarianism
情境模型 qíng jìng xíng situational model
情況 情况 qíng kuàng circumstances; state of affairs; situation
情況下 情况下 qíng kuàng xià under (these) circumstances
情理 qíng reason; sense
情人 qíng rén lover
情人節 情人节 qíng rén jié Valentine's Day
情人節快樂 情人节快乐 qíng rén jié kuài Happy Valentine's Day
情色 qíng erotica
情書 情书 qíng shū love letter
情形 qíng xing circumstances; situation
情緒 情绪 qíng feeling; sentiment
情緒化 情绪化 qíng huà emotional; sentimental
情誼 情谊 qíng (n) camaraderie
情欲 qíng sensual; lust
情願 情愿 qíng yuàn willingness; would rather (agree to X than Y)
熱情 热情 qíng cordial; enthusiastic; passion; passionate; passionately
人情 rén qíng (n) human emotions; (n) social relationship; (n) favor; good turn
色情 qíng pornography; pornographic
色情小說 色情小说 qíng xiǎo shuō pornographic novel; dirty book
深情 shēn qíng (n) deep emotion; deep love
深情款款 shēn qíng kuǎn kuǎn (adj) loving; caring; adoring
神情 shén qíng look; expression
盛情 shèng qíng (adj) bonhomie; munificence; great hospitality
事情要做 shì qíng yào zuò thing that needs to be done
事情 shì qing affair; matter; thing; business
手足親情 手足亲情 shǒu qīn qíng brotherly kindness
說情 说情 shuō qíng (v) plead for somebody else
調情 调情 tiáo qíng flirt
同情 tóng qíng compassion; relent; sympathize; sympathy
網際色情 网际色情 wǎng qíng cyberporn
無情 无情 qíng pitiless; ruthless; merciless; heartless
無情無義 无情无义 qíng (saying) to have no emotion or sense of justice
現實情況 现实情况 xiàn shí qíng kuàng current state; current situation
詳情 详情 xiáng qíng details; particulars
心情 xīn qíng mood; frame of mind
性情 xìng qing nature; temperament
疫情 qíng epidemic situation
友情 yǒu qíng (n) the feeling of friendship; friendly feelings
有人情 yǒu rén qíng humane
有同情心 yǒu tóng qíng xīn sympathetic
在大多數情況下 在大多数情况下 zài duō shù qíng kuàng xià in most instances
真情 zhēn qíng real situation; the truth
鍾情 锺情 zhōng qíng madly in love
中情局 Zhōng Qíng Central Intelligence Agency (abbrev.)
中央情報局 中央情报局 Zhōng yāng Qíng bào Central Intelligence Agency; CIA
酌情 zhuó qíng (v) carefully consider the situation

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