Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
愛不釋手 爱不释手 ài shì shǒu fondle admiringly
按手禮 按手礼 àn shǒu ordination
把手 shǒu handle; grip; knob
罷手 罢手 shǒu give up
白手起家 bái shǒu jiā build up from nothing; start from scratch
扳手 bān shǒu spanner; wrench; lever (on a machine)
幫手 帮手 bāng shou helper; assistant
貝斯手 贝斯手 bèi shǒu bassist
背著手 背着手 bèi zhe shǒu with one's hands clasped behind one's back
鼻內窺鏡手術 鼻内窥镜手术 nèi kuī jìng shǒu shù functional endoscopic sinus surgery
捕手 shǒu catcher
不擇手段 不择手段 shǒu duàn by fair means or foul; by hook or by crook; unscrupulously
插手 chā shǒu (vi) meddle
觸手 触手 chù shǒu tentacle
創作歌手 创作歌手 chuàng zuò shǒu singer-songwriter
大舵手 duò shǒu the Great Helmsman (Mao Zedong)
大提琴手 qín shǒu cellist
大顯身手 大显身手 xiǎn shēn shǒu fully displaying one's capabilities
刀斧手 dāo shǒu lictor
敵手 敌手 shǒu antagonist
動手 动手 dòng shǒu to hit with hands or fists; to start work; to touch
對手 对手 duì shǒu opponent; adversary; match
舵手 duò shǒu helmsman
二手貨 二手货 èr shǒu huò secondhand
防毒手套 fáng shǒu tào protective gloves
放手 fàng shǒu let go; have a free hand; let go one's hold
分手 fēn shǒu split up; break up
佛手瓜 shǒu guā chayote
扶手 shǒu railing
副手 shǒu assistant
高手 gāo shǒu (n) adept; dab
歌手 shǒu singer
弓箭手 gōng jiàn shǒu archer
勾手 gōu shǒu hook shot
鼓手 shǒu drummer
劊子手 刽子手 guì shǒu executioner
黑手黨 黑手党 hēi shǒu dǎng mafia
黃道十二宮殺手 黄道十二宫杀手 Huáng dào shí èr gōng shā shǒu Zodiac Killer
火槍手 火枪手 huǒ qiāng shǒu musketeer
棘手 shǒu thorny (problem); intractable
吉他手 shǒu guitarist
交手 jiāo shǒu (v) fight hand to hand
腳手架 脚手架 jiǎo shǒu jià scaffolding
金剛手菩薩 金刚手菩萨 Jīn gāng shǒu Vajrapani Bodhisattva
空手道 kōng shǒu dào (n) karate
拉個手 拉个手 ge shǒu to hold hands
黎明殺手 黎明杀手 míng shā shǒu Killers of the Dawn
兩手 两手 liǎng shǒu double tactics; twin strategies
滿手 满手 mǎn shǒu handful
拿手 shǒu expert in; good at
拿手菜 shǒu cài specialty (dish)
能手 néng shǒu (n) expert
躡手躡腳 蹑手蹑脚 niè shǒu niè jiǎo (phr) on tiptoe
拍手 pāi shǒu clap
砲手 炮手 pào shǒu gunner
槍手 枪手 qiāng shǒu gunman; sharpshooter; somebody who takes an exam for somebody else
親手 亲手 qīn shǒu personally; with one's own hands
人手 rén shǒu manpower
入手 shǒu (v) start or begin
殺手 杀手 shā shǒu killer
殺手級應用 杀手级应用 shā shǒu yìng yòng killer application; killer app
射手 shè shǒu (n) bowman
伸手 shēn shǒu (v) hold out hand; (v) ask sb for something
shǒu hand; convenient
手臂 shǒu bei arm
手表 shǒu biǎo wrist watch
手冊 手册 shǒu manual
手電筒 手电筒 shǒu diàn tǒng (n) flashlight; electric hand torch
手段 shǒu duàn method; mean (of doing sth)
手法 shǒu technique; trick; skill
手風琴 手风琴 shǒu fēng qín accordion
手稿 shǒu gǎo manuscript; script
手工 shǒu gōng handwork; manual
手工業 手工业 shǒu gōng handicraft
手工藝 手工艺 shǒu gōng (n) handicraft; arts and crafts
手機 手机 shǒu cellphone; mobile phone
手跡 手迹 shǒu sb.'s original handwriting or painting
手腳 手脚 shǒu jiǎo movement of limbs; action; trick
手巾 shǒu jīn (n) hand towel
手絹 手绢 shǒu juàn handkerchief
手拉車 手拉车 shǒu chē cart
手裡 手里 shǒu (a situation is) in (someone's) hands
手榴彈 手榴弹 shǒu liú dàn (n) hand grenade; (n) track and field shotput
手帕 shǒu handkerchief
手氣 手气 shǒu luck at gambling
手槍 手枪 shǒu qiāng pistol
手球 shǒu qiú team handball
手勢 手势 shǒu shì gesture; sign; signal
手術 手术 shǒu shù surgical operation; operation; surgery
手套 shǒu tào glove; mitten
手提 shǒu portable
手提包 shǒu bāo (hand)bag; hold-all
手提箱 shǒu xiāng suitcase
手推車 手推车 shǒu tuī chē trolley
手腕 shǒu wàn skill; finesse
手下 shǒu xià (n) leadership; under the control or administration of; subordinates; (v) take action; run out of money
手寫 手写 shǒu xiě handwriting
手寫辯識 手写辩识 shǒu xiě biàn shí handwriting recognition
手寫識別 手写识别 shǒu xiě shí bié handwriting recognition
手續 手续 shǒu formalities
手藝 手艺 shǒu craft; workmanship
手淫 shǒu yín masturbate; masturbation
手語 手语 shǒu sign language
手掌 shǒu zhǎng palm
手杖 shǒu zhàng cane
手指 shǒu zhǐ finger
手肘 shǒu zhǒu elbow
手鐲 手镯 shǒu zhuó bracelet
手足 shǒu movement
手足口病 shǒu kǒu bìng hand-foot-mouth disease
手足親情 手足亲情 shǒu qīn qíng brotherly kindness
手足無措 手足无措 shǒu cuò (phr) at a loss
雙手 双手 shuāng shǒu pair of hands
水手 shuǐ shǒu mariner; sailor; seaman
順手 顺手 shùn shǒu handy; convenient and easy to use; smoothly
隨手 随手 suí shǒu conveniently; without extra trouble
投手 tóu shǒu pitcher
脫手 脱手 tuō shǒu (not of regular commerce) to sell or dispose of (goods, etc.)
外交手腕 wài jiāo shǒu wàn diplomatic
外科手術 外科手术 wài shǒu shù surgery
微創手術 微创手术 wēi chuàng shǒu shù minimally invasive procedure
握手 shǒu to shake hands
洗手間 洗手间 shǒu jiān (n) lavatory; rest room; washroom
下手 xià shǒu start; put one's hand to; set about; the seat to the right of the main guest
纖手龍 纤手龙 Xiān shǒu lóng Chirostenotes
心手 xīn shǒu new hand; novice
兇手 凶手 xiōng shǒu assailant; murderer; assassin
選手 选手 xuǎn shǒu athlete; contestant
一手 shǒu (n) skill; (adv) all by oneself; without the help of others
移殖手術 移殖手术 zhí shǒu shù (organ) transplant operation
右手 yòu shǒu right-hand
援手 yuán shǒu succor
招手 zhāo shǒu to wave; beckon
正顎手術 正颚手术 zhèng è shǒu shù orthognathic surgery
指手畫腳 指手画脚 zhǐ shǒu huà jiǎo (saying) to gesticulate while talking; wave ones hands about as criticism
著手 着手 zhū shǒu commence
助手 zhù shǒu assistant; helper
自殺炸彈殺手 自杀炸弹杀手 shā zhà dàn shā shǒu suicide bomber
縱慾殺手 纵欲杀手 zòng shā shǒu spree killer
左輪手槍 左轮手枪 zuǒ lún shǒu qiāng revolver

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