Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
àn to press (with the hand); to push; to control; to restrain; to check; pressing down (brush movement in painting); according to; in the light of
按兵不動 按兵不动 àn bīng dòng not throw the troops into battle; bide one's time; take on action
按步就班 àn jiù bān follow the prescribed order; keep to conventional ways
按勞分配 按劳分配 àn láo fēn pèi distribution according to work
按理 àn according to reason; in the ordinary course of events; normally
按立 àn ordination
按脈 按脉 àn mài feel (take) the pulse
按摩 àn massage
按捺 àn restrain; control
按鈕 按钮 àn niǔ push button
按期 àn on schedule; on time
按時 按时 àn shí on time; before deadline; on schedule
按手禮 按手礼 àn shǒu ordination
按說 按说 àn shuō in the ordinary course of events; ordinarily; normally
按圖索驥 按图索骥 àn suǒ try to locate sth by following up a clue
按蚊 àn wén anopheles; malarial mosquito
按下葫蘆浮起瓢 按下葫芦浮起瓢 àn xià piáo solve one problem only to find another cropping up
按需分配 àn fēn pèi distribution according to need
按語 按语 àn note; comment
按照 àn zhào according to; in accordance with; in the light of; on the basis of
按照法律 àn zhào according to the law
按照計劃 按照计划 àn zhào huà according to (the) plan ...
按照字面 àn zhào miàn literally
編者按 编者按 biān zhě àn (n) editor's notes or comments
男按摩師 男按摩师 nán àn shī masseur
女按摩師 女按摩师 àn shī masseuse

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