Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
單據 单据 dān receipts; invoices; transaction records
非對稱式數據用戶線 非对称式数据用户线 fēi duì chèn shì shù yòng xiàn Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line; ADSL
根據 根据 gēn according to; based on; basis; foundation
根據地 根据地 gēn (n) base of operations
根據上表 根据上表 gēn shàng biǎo according to the above table
光纖分佈式數據介面 光纤分布式数据介面 guāng xiān fēn shì shù jiè miàn Fiber Distributed Data Interface; FDDI
光纖分佈數據接口 光纤分布数据接口 guāng xiān fēn shù jiē kǒu FDDI; Fiber Distributed Data Interface
拮据 jié short of cash; lacking in financial resources; hard up
sickness of hand
act in accordance with; seize
according to; to act in accordance with; to depend on; to seize; to occupy
據報 据报 bào it is reported; according to reports
據報導 据报导 bào dǎo according to (news) reports
據稱 据称 chēng according to reports
據此 据此 (adv) hereunder; according to this
據點 据点 diǎn (n) military strongpoint
據守 据守 shǒu entrenched in; guard
據說 据说 shuō it is said that; reportedly
據統計 据统计 tǒng according to statistics
據聞 据闻 wén accounts; one's understanding
據悉 据悉 according to reports; it is reported (that)
考據 考据 kǎo textual criticism
契據 契据 deed
收據 收据 shōu receipt
數據 数据 shù data; numbers; digital
數據傳輸 数据传输 shù chuán shū data transmission
數據段 数据段 shù duàn data segment
數據管理 数据管理 shù guǎn data management
數據接口 数据接口 shù jiē kǒu data interface
數據介面 数据介面 shù jiè miàn data interface
數據庫 数据库 shù database
數據庫表 数据库表 shù biǎo database table
數據庫軟件 数据库软件 shù ruǎn jiàn database software
數據鏈路 数据链路 shù liàn data link
數據鏈路層 数据链路层 shù liàn céng data link layer
數據鏈路連接識別碼 数据链路连接识别码 shù liàn lián jiē shí bié Data Link Connection Identifier; DLCI
數據通信 数据通信 shù tōng xìn data communication
數據網絡 数据网络 shù wǎng luò data network
數據壓縮 数据压缩 shù suō data compression
統計數據 统计数据 tǒng shù statistical data
依據 依据 according to; basis; foundation
用戶數據 用户数据 yòng shù user data
佔據 占据 zhàn to occupy; to hold
證據 证据 zhèng evidence; proof; testimony
直接數據 直接数据 zhí jiē shù data-direct (in LAN emulation)

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